Finance & Trade
  • Economics & Trade

  • Economics & Trade

    • MOC says that at the end of June 2022, over 1.6 million households in Israel had access to optic fiber. After a massive deployment in residential buildings, the focus is now on rural and pe ...
    • President Herzog and Prime Minister Lapid opened the new 8,000 square meter facility that boasts do-it-yourself-triage and guidance robots
    • PM Yair Lapid: “The fact that 27 EU Foreign Ministers voted for economic and diplomatic ties is proof of our diplomatic strength and ability to create new opportunities with the internation ...
    • Shira Lev-Ami, CEO of newly launched Israel Digital Agency, has met with Digital Nations leaders in Portugal. The meeting included an open consultation on government issues in a digital world
    • Thanks to Corona limitations reduction, as of August, up to 2300 Jordanian workers will once again be allowed to enter and exit the Eilat region for work on a daily basis.