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AI and Israel's Data revolution

  •   CEO of Israel National Digital Agency recently met with Digital Nations in Portugal
    Communicated by the GPO

    The national AI plan is a long-term plan aimed at assisting in the development and implementation of AI in the public sector and economy. Today, Israel National Digital Agency CEO, Shira Lev Ami, spoke at the plan launch conference on the relation between the government Data revolution and the promotion of AI in the public sector.

    "Our challenge is to create smart solutions to the core challenges of Israeli society and to improve public service. You can look at AI as the luxury penthouse built over a multistory building of Data & Digital infrastructure," Lev Ami said. "Investing in government Data and making it accessible to the industry, academy, and the government itself will lead to Data-driven decision-making, improved service to the public, and a leap forward in the effectiveness of government activity, for the benefit of health, welfare, education, and economy in Israel."​

    Israeli IDA head meets with digital agency heads​

    Two weeks ago, Lev-Ami met with the leaders of Digital Nations in Portugal. The representatives discussed issues such as data-driven government, citizen-oriented services, digital inclusion etc.

    The Forum comprises 10 advanced digital nations – England, Estonia, Denmark, New Zealand, Korea, Portugal, Uruguay, Mexico, Canada and Israel (Israel is among 5 founding nations of this forum).   

    At the meeting, Lev Ami said, "After two years of Coronavirus and virtual meetings, it was exciting to see our partner digital agencies leaders of the world's leading governments in person, within a meeting that allows an open consultation on issues that concern everyone."