  • Economics & Trade

EU Israel Association Framework Back On Line

  •   EU Foreign Ministers renew the Association Council with Israel
    ​EU​ fof
    ​During a meeting of the foreign ministers of the European Union in Brussels today, the 27 ministers voted to reconvene the Association Council with Israel for the first time in over a decade.
    The Association Council is the senior diplomatic body in charge of promoting relations between Israel and the European Union, including in the diplomatic, economic, and technology spheres.
    The convening of the Association Council will enable Israel to continue to develop its relations with the EU to the benefit of Israel’s citizens.
    Prime Minister Lapid participated in a meeting of the EU’s foreign ministers approximately one year ago, and defined convening the Association Council as a prime objective for Israel-EU relations. 

    “The fact that 27 EU Foreign Ministers have voted unanimously in favor of strengthening economic and diplomatic ties with Israel is proof of Israel’s diplomatic strength and this government’s ability to create new opportunities with the international community,” he said

    Over the last year, Israel-EU relations have significantly improved, as expressed by – inter alia – the signing of the Horizon Europe agreement on R&D cooperation and visits by senior officials from the EU including European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Parliament President Roberta Metsola.​