
News and Events

    • Atacuri asupra cetățenilor israelieni (Feb 2016)

      În ultima perioadă au avut loc nenumărate atacuri teroriste asupra cetățenilor israelieni. Deși soldate cu victime, răspunsul prompt at autorităților și, cu precădere, vigilența populației ...
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    • Cabinet communique

      Any agreement in Syria must include a halt to Iran's aggression toward Israel from Syrian territory. We will not agree to the supply of advanced weaponry to Hezbollah and we will not agree ...
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    • Cabinet communique

      The challenges and threats in the region are increasing, and we are preparing accordingly. Government policy is to take strong action both defensively and offensively, in defending our bord ...
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    • Cabinet communique

      Israel and the European Union have agreed to put their relations back on track. EU HRVP Mogherini has come out strongly against BDS and against economic sanctions against Israel, which is a ...
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    • Cabinet communique

      Recently, three Balad MKs went to comfort the families of people who murdered Israeli citizens. We are making great efforts and great investments in order to integrate Arab citizens in Isra ...
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