Cultural Department

Cultural Department

  • Cultural affairs


    ​The Cultural Department promotes Israel’s vibrant culture and lifestyle in Romania.

    Every year we collaborate with numerous cultural institutions and leading Israeli artists to take part in a vast array of events in areas such as: theatre, cinema, music, literature, plastic arts and more.

    Through these collaboration, the Embassy celebrates Israeli culture and encourages cultural dialogue between Israel and Romania.

    Israel is a culturally active country with a heterogeneous population. Four thousand of years and more than half a century of modern statehood, the Jewish heritage has contributed to a culture which has already created an identity of its own, while preserving the uniqueness of 70 different communities.

    A largely immigrant society, Israel’s creative expression has absorbed many different cultural and social influences, as it blends tradition and innovation and strives to steer a course between Israeli particularism and universalism. The constant search for cultural identity is expressed trough creativity in a broad range of art forms, appreciated and enjoyed by many people around the world. 

  • Academic affairs


    The mission of the academic affairs activity is to foster cooperation between the the academic community and  institutions in Romanian and the ones in Israel.

    Romania and Israel academic affairs cooperation falls under the provisions stipulated in the Programme of Cultural, Educational and Scientific Cooperation signed by the Governments of the both countries. Cooperation among universities and higher education institutions, exchanges of students and professors, exchange of lectors and organizing courses concerning Holocaust to the Yad Vashem Museum in Israel are some of the activities encouraged under the framework of this agreement.

    Israel offers the following scholarships to Romanian students:
    1. Israel offers annually up to three scholarship for one academic year (8 months) for post graduates or research students. For more information concerning the terms and conditions for the one academic year scholarship program please press here
    2. Israel offers annually one scholarship to a summer Modern Hebrew language course (Ulpan) organized in Israel. For more information concerning the terms and conditions for the Ulpan summer course click here.
     Please take notice that all the applications need to be submitted to Agentia de Credite si Studii in Strainatate of the Romanian Ministry of Education usually no latter than November 30th.
    Romania also offers scholarships to Israeli students studying in Romania:
    1. Romania offers annually up to three scholarships for one academic year (8 months) for the Israeli students. For more information please contact the Embassy of the State of Israel, Cultural Department.
    2. Romania offers to foreign citizens scholarships through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in keeping with Government Decision No 288/1993 for the 2012- 2013 academic year. This scholarship applies to all the foreign students not only Israelis and it covers the tuition for all the university years. For more information please press here. You can also contact the Embassy of the State of Israel, Cultural Department for more details.
    Also it is advisable to check our Facebook page Israel in Romania to be updated with all the announcement concerning the scholarships.
    Centers for Jewish Studies in Romania
    In order to promote the language, history, traditions and to encourage a better understanding on the role and influences of the Jewish culture in Romanian and in the world,  Centers for Jewish Studies function in Romania in addition to the departments of Hebrew language and literature within the Universities.
    Department for Jewish Studies, The Center of International Relations, University of Craiova
    Contact details