Synopsis: This interdisciplinary four-week program (June 30 - July 28, 2016) offers 10 academic credits (five courses, taught in English, including an internship in NGOs and think tanks). Students receive a certificate of participation upon completion of all five courses (issued by the University’s Program on Conflict Resolution, Management and Negotiation). The M.A. level academic credits can be recognized in conjunction with the policy of the students' home universities. The program provides - through on-site experiential and traditional learning - theoretical insights and practical training. Individual courses can also be taken. Admission is open to holders of undergraduate degrees, current advanced undergraduate students and current graduate students as well as those who already have a Masters degree or Ph.D. Our participants come from all disciplines in the social sciences and the humanities (including conflict resolution practitioners, as well as the general public). The Summer Program is operated by the Conflict Resolution, Management and Negotiation Graduate Program at Bar-Ilan University. Registration for the 2016 summer program is now open. For inquiries contact us.
The Summer Program collaborates with the Pardes Center for Judaism and Conflict Resolution in operating the Religion and Conflict Resolution Certificate Program: Text, Theory & Practice.
Description *
Conflicts over collective identity - including issues of religion, narratives and culture - abound in our world today. Taught by leading scholars and practitioners, this unique program offers five intensive conflict resolution courses focusing on such conflicts and how to creatively deal with them.
The program examines interpersonal level, national and international conflicts with a focus on identity-based conflicts and a particular emphasis on conflicts found in Israel. The participants come from diverse backgrounds and the program consists of seminars, workshops, simulations, guest lectures, and an internship course. The program provides theoretical insights and practical training in conflict resolution. This is an interdisciplinary program that deals with our subjects from a variety of perspectives, including law, psychology, religion and culture. The program also includes various social events such as receptions, meetings with Israeli Jewish/Muslim students and other cultural activities. Upon completion of the complete program (5 courses), a certificate of participation is awarded by the University’s Program on Conflict Management, Resolution and Negotiations. Students can request an official university transcript of their graduate level courses and grades for transfer to other institutions.
Why the Conflict Resolution Program at Bar-Ilan University?
Established in 2000, the Conflict Resolution, Management and Negotiation Program, which oversees this summer program, is characterized by distinguished faculty members who combine theory and practice in a comprehensive and interdisciplinary manner. The students come from all realms of Israeli Jewish, Muslim and Christian societies providing a diverse student experience. The regular (Hebrew language) program awards Masters and Ph.D. degrees, sponsors research, trainiing programs, international conferences, and operates a Mediation Center. The program also publishes the International Journal of Conflict Engagement and Resolution.
Bar-Ilan University, established in 1955, is a diverse and dynamic university with some 30,000 students, including many international students. The University has 8 faculties, over 120 Departments and Centers, and offers over 8,000 courses. It is located only 15 minutes away from Tel Aviv, 20 minutes from the international airport, and 50 minutes from Jerusalem.
For more information, contact us or email the Graduate Program
* The summer program is contingent on a minimum number of participants, and the contents of the program are subject to change.