WHA76 - Rehabilitation in Health

WHA76 Event - Rehabilitation in Health Systems

  •   Side Event to the 76th World Health Assembly
    Join the discussion on “Strengthening Rehabilitation in Health Systems – Responding to the new WHA Resolution”, as the first-ever resolution on rehabilitation is on the agenda for adoption at the Seventy-sixth World Health Assembly.

    Date: 25 May 2023, 18:30 to 19:30 CET
    Hybrid - Online link shared upon registration
    Venue: Auditorium (Domaine de la Pastorale, Route de Ferney ​106, Geneva)

    The event will be in English. Captioning (CART) in English and French will be provided.

    While spotlighting the relevance of the WHA Resolution on rehabilitation and how it will impact on worldwide policy-making and global health, the interactive panel will discuss advances and challenges in integrating rehabilitation into health systems.

    Estimates indicate that over 2.4 billion people, globally, live with health conditions that would benefit from rehabilitation. This number is growing due to ageing, the increased prevalence of non-communicable and chronic diseases, and injuries. However, more than 50% of people do not have access to the rehabilitation services they need, particularly in low-income countries and in fragile settings. Responding to the growing unmet need by stepping up efforts to deliver quality rehabilitation interventions for everyone in need and everywhere is not optional but a must.

    Speakers include: 
    • Dr. Albert Marti (European Spinal Cord Injury Federation)
    • Antony Duttine (WHO)
    • Prof. Dr. Gerold Stucki (WHO Collaborating Center in Luzern)
    • Dr. Helena Šingliarová (University Hospital Bratislava)
    • Prof Jérôme Salomon (WHO)
    • Prof. Marta Imamura (WHO Collaborating Center in Sao Paulo)
    • Ambassador Meirav Eilon Shahar (Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva)
    • Prof. Dr. Stefano Negrini (Cochrane Rehabilitation Director).

    The event is co-organised by: 
    The Permanent Missions of Brazil, Colombia, Croatia, Israel and Slovakia; the WHO Collaborating Centre for Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology, at the Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Institute of the University of Sao Paulo Medical School General Hospital; the WHO Collaborating Centre for Rehabilitation in Global Health Systems at the University of Luzern; American Speech-Language-Hearing Association; Humanity & Inclusion; International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics; International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine; International Spinal Cord Society; World Federation of Chiropractic; World Federation of Occupational Therapists; and World Physiotherapy. It is also supported by Cochrane and the ReLAB-HS Consortium.