CRPD Side Events

Technology and Persons with Disability

    Leading figures in the field of disability gathered at the United Nations in Geneva to share their experience in using technology to enhance inclusion​​​​

    On April 19, the Permanent Missions to the United Nations of Germany and Israel, together with the International Disability Alliance (IDA), co-organized a panel discussion at the United Nations, on the sideline of the Day of General Discussion of the CRPD Committee on Article 19, and titled “Persons with disabilities living independently and being fully included in society through the use of innovation and technology”.

    Representatives from the private sector (Apple Inc., FraPort AG), international organizations as well as NGOs (IDA and Beit Issie Shapiro) exchanged experiences and perspectives on practices and opportunities for facilitating and promoting the autonomy, inclusion and participation of persons with disabilities in society.

    The panelists highlighted the importance of technology in assisting persons with disabilities, which was reflected by Mrs. Jean Judes (Beit Issie Shapiro) comments: “for people without disability, technology makes things easier. For people with disabilities, technology makes things possible." Moreover, all emphasized the need to include persons with disabilities into the development of new products. Mr. Juan Cobeñas (IDA) said: “People with disabilities should be able to test the technologies, as well as to choose and select those that are the most useful to us.” Furthermore, Mrs. Sarah Herrlinger (Apple Inc.) stressed that “ building accessibility into consumer products supports inclusion while helping to mitigate social stigma and boost community.”. Mr. Reinhard Wagner (FraPort AG) explained the large-scale implementation of technology into the Frankfort airport..

    Mr. Lenin Moreno, the UN General Secretary Special Envoy on Disability and Accessibility, whose statement was read by his Advisor, commended both Germany and Israel for their leading role in enhancing the inclusion of persons with disability into the society, and praised the International Disability Alliance for its continued work.

    140 people attended the event, including Ms. Silvia Quan, Vice Chairperson of the CRPD Committee, and other members, as well as representatives from 43 Member States, UN agencies and NGOs.

  • ​​
  • ​#CRPDNow Campaign


    On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the CRPD, Germany, Israel and IDA support the campaign #CRPDNow – launched on the same day – which aims at making this convention ratified by all member States.

  • Highlights


    Ambassador Joachim Ruecker noted that “Researchers and developers, service providers in Israel, Germany and all over the world have invented practical and innovative solutions for a better inclusion of persons with disabilities in daily life.”

    Ambassador Eviatar Manor said: “I am particularly happy that representatives from Governments, NGOs, International Organizations and the Private Sector are working hands in hands to find concrete alternatives to support people with disabilities to overcome the societal barriers.”

    Mr. Lenin Moreno, the UN General Secretary Special Envoy on Disability and Accessibility said: “People with disabilities must remain priorities in terms of technological innovation, as well as productive entrepreneurship.” He thus emphasized the need for manufacturers to include persons with disabilities into the process of creation, from the conception until the design of new products, rather than only adaptation of already existing technologies. “Nothing for us without us” is the moto guiding this principle. In the context of the current earthquake aftermath, which hit Ecuador, Mr. Moreno raised the necessity to implement concrete solutions for persons with disabilities facing emergency situations.

    Mr. Juan Cobeñas, member of the Inclusion International, on behalf of the International Disability Alliance (IDA) expressed himself using tactical card. Mr. Cobeñas joined Mr. Moreno’s comments on the necessity to include persons with disabilities into the creation process. He said: “People with disabilities should be able to test the technologies, as well as to choose and select those that are the most useful to us.” Mr. Cobeñas also mentioned the need for professionals to teach persons with disabilities how to use the devices, as well as to make them financially affordable.  

    Mrs. Jean Judes, Executive Director of the Israeli NGO Beit Issie Shapiro, said that “for people without disability, technology makes things easier. For people with disabilities, technology makes things possible." Since the development of products is expensive Mrs. Judes emphasized that philanthropy and Government’s funding are not sufficient to respond to the needs, and that it is essential to work with venture capitalists and large corporations. She presented two cases which involved partnership with both Apple and Google. Mrs. Judes also praised the Israeli ecosystem, where there is an excellent academic level, private investors, Government support and a vibrant entrepreneurship spirit.

    Ms. Sarah Herrlinger, Sr Manager, Global Accessibility Policy and Initiatives of Apple Inc, spoke on “Making accessibility accessible” and pointed out that Apple’s philosophy is that “everyone should have the opportunity to use Apple products.” While presenting the many accessibility features of Apple products, such as VoiceOver, Mrs. Herrlinger said, “Technology plays an important role in helping people be more creative, productive and independent.” 

    Mr. Reinhard Wagner, Manager for inclusion of persons with disabilities at Fraport AG, and Spokesperson of the “Unternehmensforum” explained the measures taken by the Frankfurt Airport, the 3rd largest airport in Europe. He pointed out that out of the 20’000 employees; 2’000 have a sort of disability. Mr. Wagner mentioned that travelers with disability are assisted from their arrival, until take off and that special areas and equipment are available. These services are part of the FRACareServices program. He lastly highlighted that within the framework of the “Unternehmensforum”, best practices and information are shared and managers are highly sensitized to this issue.

    Ms. Rosangela Berman, Senior Adviser on Children with Disability at UNICEF, presented a UNICEF project that support teachers assisting children with disabilities to read and learn. She pointed out the necessity to think of all kind of disabilities – not only physical but also intellectual – while developing new technologies.


    The video of the panel can be watched on demand at, with International Sign interpretation, interpretation EnglishSpanish, and captioning.

    For further details, transcript of speeches or pictures, please contact​ 

  • Expert Meetings at the International Telecommunication Union

    O​n Monday 18 April, the International Telecommunication Union held a panel entitled "Knowledge Exchange on ICT Accessibility: Making ICTs Accessible and Inclusive for All"

    On this occasion, Sarah Herrlinger (Senior Manager, Global Accessibility Policy & Initiatives, Apple Inc.), Jean Judes ( Executive Director of Beit Issie Shapiro ) and Andrea Saks (G3ict Permanent Representative to ITU) examined ICT accessibility challenges and opportunities and discuss links to the Sustainable Development Goals. 

    This event was organized within the framework of the Regional Initiative for Europe on Accessibility adopted by the ITU World Telecommunication Development Conference 2014, Dubai. The European Regional Initiative aims at promoting e-accessibility in the ICT ecosystem, providing ITU administrations with the most suitable solutions available, while sharing the best practices at the regional level with the use of online platforms.