Israel Side-event at the HRC 18 June 2014

Invitation to Side Event at the HRC26

  •   The Permanent Mission of Israel, with the collaboration of the Permanent Mission of Canada, the UN Economic Commission for Europe, the International Council of Women and the White Ribbon Campaign, invite you to a side event
    Save the date!
    The Permanent Mission Israel, with the collaboration of the Permanent Mission of Canada, the UN Economic Commission for Europe, the International Council of Women and the White Ribbon Campaign invite you to a side event on:
    Women’s Economic Empowerment as a Tool for Combating & Eliminating Violence against Women
    Palais des Nations, Conference Room XXVII
     Wednesday, 18 June 2014
     14:00 – 16:00 HRS
    Refreshments will be served
    The side event will focus on the linkages between women’s economic empowerment and the elimination of violence against women. It will draw particular attention to the development of entrepreneurship as a tool for women to gain independence and a life free from violence.
    The event will be moderated by Professor Frances Raday, Chairperson-Rapporteur of the UN Working Group on Discrimination against Women in Law and in Practice.
    Panel of Experts, on the topics of discrimination against women, violence against women and women's
    Ms. Cosima Schenk, President – International Council of Women (ICW);
    Ms. Mazal Renford, Former Director – Golda Meir Mount Carmel International Training Center,
    Dr. Malinka Koparanova, Gender Focal Point – UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE);
    Mr. Todd Minerson, Executive Director - White Ribbon Campaign, Canada
    RSVP: Invitees not in possession of a badge should register by Tuesday 17th June at
    Please bring valid ID and a copy of this invitation. No Parking available. Note that security into the UN takes time to get through since the Human Rights Council is in session; we recommend you arrive no later than 1.30pm at Pregny Gate, 8-14 avenue de la Paix.