She's Gone - Art Protesting Violence Against Women

She's Gone - Art Protesting Violence Against Women

  •   EXHIBITION 19-29 September
    According to the United Nations, in 2020, some 47,000 women and girls were killed by their intimate partners or other family members worldwide, to speak only of femicides committed in the family.

    To raise awareness on this tragic phenomenon the Permanent Missions of Cyprus, Greece and Israel teamed up to bring to the UN in Geneva the exhibition SHE'S GONE, by Israeli artist Ms. Keren Yehezkeli Goldstein.

    SHE'S GONE is a powerful art installation that displays garments belonging to women who have been killed by their partners, and tells their stories.

    The exhibition will be set up in the Gallery, right in front of room XX, from 19 to 29 September and the opening will be held on Tuesday 20 September at 13:00. 



    H.E Ms. Tatiana Valovaya
    Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    H.E Ms. Meirav Eilon Shahar
    Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations Office at Geneva

    H.E Ms. Olympia Neocleous
    Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the United Nations Office at Geneva

    H.E Mr. Panayotis Stournaras
    Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Greece to the United Nations Office at Geneva

    Ms. Keren Yehezkeli Goldstein
    Creator “She’s Gone”

    Ms.Konstantina Klouvatou
    Singer, Performing a Greek Traditional Lullaby, “My Eyelid”