Music in Times of Tragedy - Holocaust Remembrance 2023

Music in Times of Tragedy - Holocaust Remembrance

  •   Concert & Presentation - Thursday 26 January
    ​​“Music in Times of Tragedy” is a project created by Dr. Amit Weiner - a senior member of the faculty of the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance - aimed at preserving the music written & performed by Jews during the Holocaust.

    The concert and presentation will feature music composed by Mordechai Gebirtig, Gideon Klein, Pavel Haas & Erwin Schulhoff.

    •     Amit Weiner, Pianist
    •     Yael Yekel, Singer & Guitarist
    •     Marc Crofts, Violin

    An event organized by the Permanent Mission of Israel, Les Amis de la Musique Juive, and GIL - Communauté Juive Libérale de Genève.