Violence against older persons: a human rights violation

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

  •   Side Event: Violence against older persons, a human rights violation
    The issue of violence against older persons is extremely relevant, and many times, it does not receive the proper attention it deserves. Older persons have human rights, and it is up to us, States, to ensure that they can enjoy them. ​​​
  • © Mission of Israel to the UN
    M​arking World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, a coalition of NGOs and ​States organized a side event​ to the HRC 38 on "Violence against older persons, a human rights violation".

    A recording of the event can be watched here:​

    Violence against older persons remains largely hidden. However, it is gaining recognition as an important barrier to the
    enjoyment of human rights by older persons. Older women and older persons with disabilities may be especially
    vulnerable to abuse by a range of perpetrators including intimate partner, family members, caregivers and institutions.

    Thank you, Madam Moderator.

    At the outset, we would like to thank the panelists for their interesting presentations. I would also like to apologize, as Ambassador Raz Shechter had to leave before the end of this event.

    The issue that we have discussed today is extremely relevant, and many times, it seems, it does not receive the proper attention it deserves. Older persons have human rights, and it is up to us, States, to ensure that they can enjoy them. 

    Moreover, it is clear that older persons may end up in the intersection of discrimination and violence. Older women, older persons with disabilities, older persons who are also part of the LGBTI community, among others, suffer reinforced discriminations and violence. We cannot stay idle while this happens. Older persons deserve respect, protection and actions to guarantee they can fully enjoy and exercise their rights.

    The discussion we had today should encourage us to step up, to work together to make a change and eradicate this violence. With the 2030 Agenda we have committed to “leave no one behind”. It is important to keep this in mind, to keep this issue on the agenda, and to take action to make that expression more than mere word, but a reality.
    I would therefore like to ask the speakers: what can we do, here in Geneva, to promote this?

    I thank you.