Trade Lecture Sessions @ WTO

Trade Lecture Sessions @WTO

  •   Series of Trade lectures organized by the Permanent Mission of Israel
    “The Trade Lecture Sessions @ the WTO” was created to bring the latest academic research from some of the best Universities in the World to the WTO. 

    For this initiative, the Mission of Israel to the WTO partnered with the World Trade Institute (WTI) of University o​​f Bern, Stanford Law School, Columbia Law School and the Hebrew University.

    For the 4th and last last lecture in our series, we will host Prof. Tomer Broude from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

    "Lessons from TPP on state regulatory space: a comparison of international trade and investment agreements"

    Date: Monday September 25, from 11:00 to 12:20 (Welcome coffee will be served from 10:40AM)

    Venue: World Trade Organization Headquarters (Geneva), Room D. 

    For logistical purposes, please confirm your participation by email to: before September 20.


    For the first lecture (9 March 2017), we hosted the WTI of University of Bern to share its views on “Bilateral and plurilateral agreements:
    Supporting or challenging the WTO?”. On that occasion, we hosted Professor Dr. Thomas Cottier (Emeritus Professor of Law, Founder of the World Trade Institute) and Dr. Koen Berden (Director of Outreach of the World Trade Institute).

    2nd Trade Lecture Session @WTO
    For the second lecture (12 June 2017), we had the honor of having Prof. Alan Sykes from Stanford Law School, who delivered the lecture titled: “How best to regulate subsidies: thoughts for MC11”. His presentation delved into the legal and economic underpinnings of the regulation of subsidies and provided some ideas for the way forward.

    For the third lecture (21 July 2017), we hosted Prof. Petros Mavroidis from Columbia Law School, who delivered a lecture on a data set analysis of the WTO disputes so far. The lecture was titled “The WTO Dispute Settlement System 1995-2016: Past and Future Perspectives”.

    For the last lecture in the series this year, we will be hosting Prof. Tomer Broude from the Hebrew University. He will deliver a lecture titled "Lessons from TPP on state regulatory space: a comparison of international trade and investment agreements".
    This session is scheduled for Monday September 25, from 11:00 to 12:20 in room D (WTO building). We will be serving a welcome coffee starting at 10:40. 
