2017 UNECE Ideas4Change Competition

2017 Ideas4Change Start Up Competition

  •   An UNECE project with the support of Start Up Nation Central, Mass Challenge Israel and Israet at the UN
    Apply until 1 March and enter the #Ideas4Change Competition!

    Don’t miss the chance to showcase your idea at the UN in Geneva, and get a stipend with Mass Challenge Israel, one of the most prestigious Startups Accelerators in the world.

    Nothing is simpler:

    You have an innovative idea in the fields of energy, environment, transportation, housing, food or any of these priorities?

    Your product, technology, or social innovation can make a change in people's lives?

    You’re a resident of one of the 56 UNECE Member states?

    ▶▶▶ APPLY NOW


    The 2nd the #Ideas4Change Award Competition is a project of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), with the support of the Permanent Mission of Israel to the UN in Geneva, Start Up Nation Central, and Mass Challenge Israel.
