Start-up Nations - Innovative Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development

UNECE & Israel Conference on Start-up Nations

  •   Start-up Nations - Innovative Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development

    The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and the Government of Israel are hosting the "Start-up Nations - Innovative Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development" International Conference in Geneva, Switzerland on 2 November 2016.

    The event will be opened by Mr Christian Friis Bach, Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and H.E. Mrs Aviva Raz Shechter, Permanent Representative of Israel to the UN in Geneva.

    A Keynote speech will be delivered by Mr. Eugene Kandel, CEO of Startup Nation Central and former Chairman of the National Economic Council, Israel.

    See the full programme: Brochure Start-up Nations.pdfBrochure Start-up Nations.pdf.

    Participation is free of charge. To register online, please click here​.
  • ​Background

    ​In September 2015, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, an ambitious clarion call that commits the countries of the world to achieve economic prosperity while protecting our planet and without leaving anyone behind. 

    The 2030 Agenda recognizes the enormous opportunities which innovation offers for achieving its goals. It also recognizes the business community’s central role in driving innovation for sustainable development and indeed calls for a renewed partnership between governments and the business community. Every day, all over the world, ambitious, creative entrepreneurs are starting companies with the potential to make a difference to sustainable development, to have a positive impact on prosperity, people and our planet in areas as diverse as agriculture, energy, environment, or health, to name but a few. But much more needs to be done, and much more can be done. The conference will bring together innovators from the private and the public sector from throughout the UNECE region to celebrate the power of disruptive innovation in aligning economic growth with ecological sustainability and social inclusion. It will also discuss how we can get (even) better at it.​​