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    • 09.04.2012
      As Bashar al-Assad was getting ready to graduate from High School, his father massacred tens of thousands in Hama. Years later, the keys to the regimes Presidential Palace and killing machi ...
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    • 08.28.2012
      While Israel's schoolchildren were taking cover in bomb shelters, the UN released yet another biased report about Gaza. Apparently, the roar of rockets flying out of Gaza has not reached th ...
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    • 08.27.2012
      Israel expects all responsible nations to immediately condemn the Iranian campaign of incitement and terrorism. It is time for the world to speak with one voice and act with common purpose ...
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    • 08.23.2012
      Israel has several laws to protect older persons. Israeli laws guarantee free care and protection for older persons. Under the law, reporting is mandatory in instances of elderly abuse.
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    • 08.22.2012
      Adviser Yoni Ish-Hurwitz spoke about Israel's commitment to empower older persons in their communities and to support their families. Yoni highlighted Israel's comprehensive legislation in ...
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    • 08.22.2012
      Israel has in place a number of programs that provide job opportunities for older persons, including competency training and job placement. These programs provide extra income, contribute t ...
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    • 08.20.2012
      Iran - a member state of the United Nations - continues to declare that it seeks the destruction of Israel, another UN Member State.
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    • 08.03.2012
      "We should not pretend that a regime that cuts the throats of children today will not be prepared to gas them tomorrow. Assad must know that he will be held accountable for using these wea ...
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    • 07.25.2012
      "There is a crisis in Gaza – for both Israelis and Palestinians – and it’s called Hamas. The crisis in Gaza is that Hamas attacks the crossings used to transfer humanitarian aid – and then ...
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    • 07.19.2012
      A clear line of terror runs from Argentina to Bulgaria, which begins and ends in Iran.
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