•   Ofertas de cursos en diversas temáticas a profesionales panameños que desean aprender mejores practicas en Israel


    Curso: Infantes, Niños y Niñas Pre-escolares con Discapacidades

    Fecha: 7 al 26 de enero del 2018

    Requisitos de Admisión:

    Podrán postularse Decano y Catedráticos de Carreras que forman docentes para la primera infancia en Universidades y y/o Institutos Superiores. Funcionarios responsables por la actualización de docente en ejercicio.

    Supervisores, asesores y otros funcionarios relacionados con la atención a niños en riesgo social en Ministerio de Educación y Bienestar Social, Municipalidades, etc.

    Trabajadores Sociales, psicológos u otras profesiones afines al tema que estén trabajando con primera infancia.

    Directores/as docentes de centros infantiles o jardines de infantes, con prioridad para quienes laboran en zonas desventajadas.

    Fecha límite para enviar formulario: 25 de octubre 2017.


    Curso: Metodologías Educativas Jóvenes en Riesgo: Prevenir la deserción escolar y facilitar la reintegración

    Fecha: 14 de enero al 2 de febrero

    Requisitos de Admisión:

    Personal docente de alto nivel, a nivel regional o nacional, a fin de atender a la población objetivo.  Directores de escuela, asesores y supervisores. Profesores en instituciones de formación docentes, investigadores en áreas relevantes.

    Fecha límite para enviar formulario: 15 de noviembre 2017.


    Curso: Desarrollo e Innovación del Sector Hortícola

    Fecha: 5 al 23 de febrero 2018
    Requisitos de Admisión: profesionales con cargos directivos y/o técnicos en instituciones y organizaciones del sector público o privado, involucrados en el desarrollo del sector hortícola de su país, a nivel nacional y/o regional.  Los postulantes deben poseer títulos académicos afines a la temática del programa de capacitación y una experiencia profesional mínima de 2 años en el cargo.
    Fecha límite para enviar formulario: 1 de diciembre

    Curso: ​Innovación y emprendimiento en el sistema educativo 

    Fecha: ​22 de abril al 11 de mayo

    Requisitos de Admisión: Personal docente de alto nivel, a nivel regional o nacional, directores de escuelas primarias y secundarias, profesores en instituciones de formación de docentes, asesores y supervisores en áreas relevantes

    Fecha límite para enviar formulario:​ 19 de febrero

    Curso: Innovaciones en Turismo 

    Fecha: 22 de abril al 11 de mayo

    Requisitos de Admisión: El programa está destinado a 26 personas que hayan finalizado estudios universitarios en desarrollo turístico, planificación, economía, administración de empresas o áreas afines al tema de la curso. Los postulantes deberán estar involucrados en la actualidad en: planificación y elaboración de políticas nacionales o regionales de apoyo a la creación de empleo; planificación turística o promoción de la mujer en el ámbito empresarial. Ellos deberán pertenecer en la actualidad a instituciones gubernamentales o no gubernamentales u otros organismos involucrados en el desarrollo de la microempresa y el empoderamiento de la mujer. Se requiere una experiencia mínima de 5 años.

    Fecha límite para enviar formulario: 22 de febrero 2018

    Curso:​ Liderazgo Juvenil y los jóvenes como agentes de cambio social

    Fecha: 13 de mayo al 1 de junio

    Requisitos de Admisión: Ser dirigente en Departamentos, Secretarías o Ministerios, responsables de Políticas de Juventud, tanto a nivel local, regional o nacional. Ser funcionario con responsabilidades ejecutivas en una institución gubernamental, o no gubernamental, relacionada con sistemas de educación a valores, educación participativa o educación para el tiempo libre. Ser dirigente de juventudes político-partidarias, sindicalistas, cooperativistas u O.N.G’s que se ocupen de áreas inherentes a la juventud. El curso está abierto a postulantes entre 21 y 35 años de edad.

    Fecha límite para enviar formulario:​ 25 de marzo 2018

    Curso: Voluntariado y Emprendedurismo Social

    Fecha:  7 al 26 de octubre 2018

    Requisitos exigidos a los/las postulantes:
    Ser dirigente o funcionario de alto rango en Departamentos, Secretarias o Ministerios responsables de Políticas de Participación Ciudadana, Voluntariado, Compromiso o Responsabilidad Social a nivel local, regional o nacional.


    Curso: Implementación de una educación hacia el Desarrollo Sostenible

    Fecha: Del 14 de octubre al 2 de noviembre 2018

    Requisitos de admisión: Personal educacional de ministerio y municipalidades ya sea regional o nacional, directores de escuelas o colegios, coordinadores, orientadores o supervisores. Investigadores en las áreas relevantes. Profesores en instituciones de capacitación de maestros.

    Fecha límite para enviar formulario: 6 de agosto
    Curso:  Desarrollo del Sector Lechero: Estrategías, Organización y Tecnologías
    Fecha: 15 de octubre al 10 de noviembre
    Requisitos de admisión: profesionales con cargos directivos y/o técnicos en instituciones y organizacioners del sector público o privado, involucrados en temas relacionados al desarrollo del sector lechero a nivel nacional, regional o local. Los postulantes deben poseer títulos académicos afines y una experiencia profesional mínima de dos años en el cargo.
    Fecha límite para enviar formulario: 1 de agosto
    Fecha:  28 de octubre al 16 de noviembre
    Requisitos de admisión: ser dirigente o funcionario en instituciones gubernamentales o no gubernamentales que se ocupen de la integración de jóvenes marginales a nivel local, nacional o regional, ser dirigente de organismos de la ONU, organizaciones internacionales, sociedad civil y el sector privado.
    Los candidatos deben tener por lo menos, tres años de actuación en la ínstitución patrocinadora y una edad mínima de 23 años.
    Fecha límite para enviar formulario: 28 de agosto
    Fecha: 11 al 30 de noviembre
    Requisitos de admisión:
    • Ser alcalde o funcionario público responsable de la actividad de seguridad en su país, región o localidad.
    •  Ser integrante del cuerpo de policía, teniendo teniendo un mínimo de tres años de experiencia en la institución.
    •  Estar a cargo de instituciones formales o no formales, cuyos miembros o participantes  puedan participar en forma conjunta con la institución policial (escuelas, juntas vecinales, centros comunitarios, clubes, sindicatos, juzgados, representantes del municipio, etc)


    Fecha límite para enviar formulario: 2 de septiembre


    Curso: Innovación abierta y herramientas de propiedad intelectual

    Fecha: 2 al 18 de diciembre 2018

    Requisitos de admisión:  profesionales especializados en innovación, en distintos tipos de organizaciones, representantes de empresas, académicos y profesionales en el campo de la propiedad intelectual que se ocupan de la política de innovación y las estrategías de PI. El curso se llevará a cabo en español.


    Fecha límite para enviar formulario: 1 de octubre



    Course: Education for Science and Math - STEM Framework

    DateJanuary 14  -  February 2  2018

    Applications Requirements:

    Directors of Ministry of Education departments, regional education  directors, school principals, school educational staff, supervisors, counselors, lecturers at teacher training institutions and researchers in relevant education fields.

    Deadline to submit forms: November 13, 2017


    Course: Development of Children: Social Emotional Support and Wellbeing

    Date: January 28 - February 16, 2018

    Applications Requirements:

    Men and women with leadership qualities open to new ideas and who see themselves as agents of change.  The workshop is open to psychologists, educators, caregivers, NGO trainers, community workers, social workers, health workers, nurses and university lectures.  candidates should have academic or equivalent training and experience in working with children and families.  Multidiciplinary teams working in the field are encouraged to attend the worhshop together.  A full command of English in required.

    Deadline to submit forms: November 8, 2017


    Course: Intensive Vegetable Production

    Date: 20 th January - 16 th  February, 2018

    Applications Requirements: Professionals from governmental and non governmental institutions, universities, research institutes and/or private sector involved in the development of the vegetable sector on a national, regional or local level. Candidates should hold an academic degree in related diciplines and at least two years of proffesional work experience in related fields.  A full command of English in required.


    Course: Education for Technology and the use of ICT in Education​

    Date: 25 February - 16 March, 2018

    Applications Requirements: ​Directors of Education, Ministry departments, Regional Education Directors, School Principals, Schools Educational Staff, Counselors, Supervisors, Lectures at Teacher Training, Institutions, and Researchers in relevants Educational fields.

    Deadline to submit forms:  December 1, 2017


    Course: Education for Sustainable Development

    Date: 25 February - 16 March, 2018

    Applications Requirements: Directors of Departments in MOE's and municipalities, Principals, head teachers, Supervisors, Curricula Developers, Teachers of teachers.

    Deadline to submit forms:​ February 1

    Course: Agrobusiness A Tool for the Empowerment of Rural Women ​

    Date: 4th - 22nd March , 2018

    Applications Requirements:​ Policymakers and professional of the public and private sector, involved in the implementation of agricultural and rural development projects.  Candidates should hold an academic degree in related disciplines and have at least three years of professional work experience in related fields.

    A full command of English

    Deadline to submit forms: December 28, 2017 

    Course: Integrated Pest Management

    Date: 4 - 23 March, 2018

    Applications Requirements: It is designed for professionals from governmental isntitutions,universities and research institutes, private companies and non-governmental organizations involved in agricultural research and/or extension programs.  Course participants must have a relevant academic degree and at least three (3) years of practical work experience in related fields. A very good command of the English language and office computer programs skills are essential.

    Deadline to submit forms: December


    Course: Agricultural Development in Arid Regions

    Date: 11 - 23 March, 2018

    Applications Requirements: It is geared towards proffesionals from governmental and non-governmental institutions, universities, research institutes and/or private sector involved in agricultural development in arid and semi arid regions on a national, regional or local level.  Candidates should hold an academic degree in related disciplines and at least two years of professional work experience.  A full command of the English  is required.

    Deadline to submit forms: January 1

    Course:​ Startup Accelerators in the Enterpreneurial Ecosystem ​

    Date: March 13 - 27, 2018

    Applications Requirements: Women and men alike, entrepreneurs adn managers of accelerators and other entrepreneurial support programs, as well as those working in governmental institutions and SME support programs agencies, private sector support systems for entrepreneurs and NGOs dealing with small business support and development.  Special consideration will be given to candidates who work and support the development of entrepreneurs in their communities.  Candidates should hold and academic degree in related disciplines, and have at least five years of professional work experience in related fields.  A full command of the English  is required.


    Deadline to submit forms: January 15, 2018


    Course​: Emergency Situation Preparedness​

    Date: April 22 - May 10, 2018

    Applications Requirements:

    The course is oriented to senior members of the different agencies that take part in a mass casualty event: - Relevant National, regional or local governmental authorities. - Police forces. - Rescue and firefighting units. - Military forces. - Healthcare system. - Relief and welfare agencies. - Relevant civil society organizations / NGO's.

    Deadline to submit forms​: March 9, 2018

    Course​:Clean Technologies - Enviromental technology. innovation and managment system as a means for regional and local economic development.​

    Date: April 22 - May 16, 2018

    Applications Requirements:The training targets highly motivated decision makers, policy makers and professionals from the fields of energy, water, waste, agriculture, climate change, infrastructure and economic development, those working in government ministries (such as local government, planning, development, energy and others), in local authorities, NGO’s and CBO’s active in the field of entrepreneurship and startup, venture capital funds, business organizations, and academic institutions engaged with cleantech and entrepreneurship programs. 

    Deadline to submit forms​:​ February 23


    Course​: Irrigation and Fertigation for Intensive Crop Production

    Date: 23 April  - 11 May, 2018

    Applications Requirements: The course is geared towards professionals from governmental and non-governmental institutions, universities, research institutes and/or private sector involved in agricultural development projects under irrigation as well as in research, extension and / or intensive agricultural production. Candidates should hold an academic degree in related disciplines and at least two years of professional work experience in related fields. A full command of English is required.

    Deadline to submit forms​:​ March 6, 2018

    Course​: Educational Methodologies Youth at Risk: Preventing Student Dropouts and Facilitating Reintegration

    Date:​ April 24 - May 24

    Applications Requirements: High-level educational staff, at the regional or national level, dealing with the target population  School principals, counselors, supervisors  Lecturers at teacher training institutions  Researchers in relevant fields 

    Deadline to submit forms​: February 18, 2018


    Course: Seed Production & Treatments for Field & Vegetable Crops

    Date: April 29 - May 11

    Applications Requirements:  This course is designed for research and extension workers, quality control personnel in the seed industry, and business, government or academic professionals interested in the biology and technology of seed production. It is particularly of interest to technical professionals responsible for quality assurance, research and extension activities related to seed quality, safety and marketability under the aegis of national or international organizations, institutions, universities, research institutes, civil society and the private sector. Course participants must have a relevant academic degree and at least three (3) years of practical work experience in related fields. A very good command of the English language is essential. 

    Deadline to submit forms​: March 4, 2018


    Course: Special & Inclusive Education

    Date: May 06 - May 25

    Applications Requirements: High-level educational staff, at the regional or national level, dealing with the target population School principals, counselors, supervisors Lecturers at teacher training institutions Researchers in relevant fields

    Deadline to submit forms​: March 5, 2018

    Course: Nutrition in a Changing Global Environment​

    Date: May 27 - June 15

    Applications Requirements: Candidates interested in attending this program require:  M.Sc. degree or above in nutrition, dietetics, medicine, bio-chemistry, health education, or a related field, from a recognized university. (A detailed record of studies and copies of degrees must be included with application forms.)  Documentation of academic studies conducted in English OR a TOEFL score of at least 89 on the internet-based scale OR an internationally recognized equivalent. (The language of instruction is English, Therefore, participants whose native tongue is not English, must furnish proof of proficiency in this language.)  Professional experience in the field is recommended (at least 3 years).  This course is designed for public health practitioners, nutritionists, dietitians, health educationists, and academicians in relevant fields.  An official certificate of good health signed and stamped by a doctor.  Two letters of recommendation are required from the candidate's place of work or university.​

    Deadline to submit forms​:​ March 25, 2018

    Course: Environmental Management of Nature Parks and Reserves: focus on Ecosystem Services

    Date: June 10 - June 29

    Applications Requirements: The target audience for this training program is individuals who are interested in expanding their knowledge and initiatives into ecosystem management, environmental economics, and environmental management. This training program is intended for mid-level professionals involved in nature preservation, working for government, non-governmental organizations, decision-making bodies, academia and the private sector. It will be especially beneficial to heads of rural councils and environmental officers of rural councils, government officers of environment and tourism ministries, biosphere reserve managers, park managers and rangers. The program will be conducted in English. It is essential that the participants have a high level of reading, writing and speaking in English. Competition for the MASHAV Courses is merit-based and selection will be made on the basis of academic excellence, professional aptitude, leadership potential in the field of Environmental Management and Ecosystem Services, and knowledge of English. Funding for the MASHAV Courses is limited and the program is highly competitive; not all qualified applicant will receive awards.

    Deadline to submit forms​:​​ April 18, 2018

    Course: Political Empowerment of Women​

    Date:  June 18 - 28

    Applications Requirements: The course targets civic leaders, political candidates, elected leaders, political party representatives, local government officials, and professionals who provide trainings for leaders wanting to strengthen their leadership abilities. Also eligible to apply representatives of economic development and women’s organization as well as those who work with organizations that support women vying for leadership roles. A good command of spoken and written English is essential. 

    Deadline to submit forms​:​ April 9, 2018

    Course: Leadership for Civil Sociaty Activism​

    Date: July 15 - 31 , 2018

    Applications Requirements: It is designed for women and men representatives of national and international civil society organizations, political and social activisms, trade unions, community leaders and aspirings leaders enganged in the promotion os social activism and gender equality in their communities. A full command of English is required. 

    Deadline to submit the forms: May 11, 2018

    Course:  Feeding the Future: Food safety and technology in times of global change.

    Date: October 7 - 26, 2018

    Applications Requirements: Each participant will prepare a seminar presentation, which will be review and graded. It should apply knowledge acquiered during the course to a topic in food safety. Participants are advice to bring with them digitalized data relevant to their countries, especially in food legislation. One completion of the course and fulfillment of its requirements, participants will receive certificates.

    Deadline to submit the forms: August 1 , 2018 

    Course: The Critical Role of the Judiciary in Combating Guman Trafficking

    Date: October 14 - 18, 2018

    Applications Requirements: The seminar targets supreme court judges, active criminal judges, administrative and civil law judges and judges who lead judicial training activities within their own jurisdiction (such as national judicial training institutes), with a view to a broader dissemination of knowledge and tools in the long term. Judges are required to have a professional background and experience in hearing criminal cases, and in particular, any experience hearing cases of trafficking in human beings. Language: The semi

    Deadline to submit the forms: August 3th

    Course: Agricultural Engineering Technologies

    Date: 14 de octubre al 2 de noviembre

    Applications Requirements: The Course is designed for professionals from national organizations, academic, extension or government institutions. Participants must have a relevant academic degree and at least 3 years of practical work experience relevant to the course. First priority will be given to groups of professionals from academic and extension institutes involved in Agricultural Engineering Practices with and/or under the aegis of national and/or international organizations, institutions, universities, NGOs, etc. Good command of written and spoken English language is essential.​

    Deadline to submit the forms:  August​ 5

    Course: Agro-ecological approaches fos sustainable intensive agriculture​

    Date: Octobrer 21 - November 9

    Applications Requirements: The training is geared towards professionals related to the development of the agricultural sector on a national, regional and /or local level. Candidates should hold an academic degree in related disciplines and at least two years of professional work experience in governmental institutions, national and/or international organizations, research institutes, universities, NGOs, etc. A full command of English is required.

    Deadline to submit the forms:  August​ 20

    Course: Innovations in Women's Health

    Date: October 28 - November 16

    Applications Requirements: The course’s target participants are professionals in the health management arena such as physicians, caregivers, nurses, social workers, government officials from relevant ministries, and health management NGOs.

    Deadline to submit the forms: ​ August 16

    Course: Innovative Entrepreneurship: From an idea to starting a business​

    Date: October 28 - November 16

    Applications Requirements: The course is designed for policy-makers, representatives of businesses and academia, and other experts and practitioners with responsibilities for the promotion of innovative entrepreneurship as well as broader aspects of innovation policy. Preference will be given to candidates recommended by the YABT. Please note this Workshop will be held in English. 

    Deadline to submit the forms:​ August 3 

    Course: Urban Water Technologies and Management

    Date: November 4 - 23, 2018

    Applications Requirements:The training targets highly motivated Decision makers, policy makers and professionals from fields associated with urban water resource management; those working in water utilities; water engineers; planners; relevant government ministries; local authorities, NGO’s and CBO’s, business organizations, and academic institutions. 

    Deadline to submit the forms:​ August 24

    Course: Agricultural and natural resource economics - Changes in the Era of Globalization

    Date: November 4 - 23, 2018 

    Applications Requirements:​ Each participant will prepare a seminar presentation, which will be reviewed and graded. It should apply knowledge acquired during the course to a topic in Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics. Participants are advised to bring with them digitalized data relevant to their countries. On completion of the course and fulfillment of its requirements, participants will receive certificates

    Deadline to submit the forms:​ September 1, 2018

    Course: Building sustainable communities: Leadership, Gender and the Environment 

    Date: November 18 - 30, 2018

    Applications Requirements:​ ​The international workshop is designed for women and men community leaders, grassroots development officers, national and local government officers, nongovernmental development practitioners, and women's organizations. Candidates are expected to have academic training or equivalent professional qualifications in relevant subject matter, with at least 5 years of practical experience. They should be presently engaged in promoting sustainable living in their communities. Good command of English is required.

    Deadline to submit the forms: August 18

    Course: Renewable Energy as a catalyst for regional development​

    Date: November 18 - December 7, 2018

    Applications Requirements: ​ The target audience for this course is those who are interested in expanding their knowledge and initiatives into sustainable and renewable energy management in their communities. This training program is intended for mid-level professionals, working for government, non-governmental organizations, decision-making bodies, academia and the private sector. Our expectation is that a program of this type will be especially appealing to professionals who work on alternative energy management, energy production and for those who work in sustainable community development. The program will be conducted in English. It is essential that the participants have a high level of reading, writing and speaking in English. Participants should have at least the equivalent of a university degree or professional diploma and a desire to leverage their knowledge in a field related to energy. 

    Deadline to submit the forms:​ August 30 

    Course: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the education system

    Date: November 18 - December 7, 2018

    Applications Requirements: High-level educational staff regional or national, primary and secondary schools principals , lecturers at teacher training institutions, counselors or supervisors in relevant fields.

    Deadline to submit the forms:​​ August 23

    Course: Developing an Entrepreneurial ecosystem for Startup: Accelerators, communities and systems​

    Date: November 18 - 30, 2018

    Applications Requirements: The Course is designed for women and men alike, entrepreneurs and managers of accelerators and other entrepreneurial support programs, managers of community, as well as those working in governmental institutions and SME support agencies, private sector support systems for entrepreneurs and NGOs dealing with small business support and development. Special consideration will be given to candidates who work and support the development of entrepreneurs in their communities. Candidates should hold an academic degree in related disciplines, and have at least five years of professional work experience in related fields. A full command of English is required.

    Deadline to submit the forms:​ August 13

    Course: New pedagogies in the 21st century - for Higher Education Teachers

    Date: November 25 - December 14, 2018

    Applications Requirements: Higher education staff: Lecturers, Rectors, Curriculum designer, Professional education developers, Lecturers at teacher training institutions

    Deadline to submit the forms:​ September 25

    Course: Greem Growth: Policy and economic measures as tools for local and regional sustainable development

    Date: December 2 - 21, 2018

    Applications Requirements:​ This prestigious training targets highly motivated decision makers, policy makers and professionals from developing countries in the fields of transport, energy, water, waste, agriculture, climate change, infrastructure and economic development. It is tailored towards those working in government ministries or local authorities, NGOs and CBOs active in the field of entrepreneurship and startup, development agencies, policy makers of local and foreign investment funds and development banks, business organizations, and academic institutions.  

    Deadline to submit the forms:​ October 1, 2018

    Course: Intensive Fish Farming

    Date: December 3 - 20, 2018 

    Applications Requirements:​ The training is geared towards professionals related to the development of the aquaculture sector on a national, regional and /or local level. Candidates should hold an academic degree in related disciplines and at least two years of professional work experience in governmental institutions, national and/or international organizations, research institutes, universities, NGOs and/or fish farming. A full command of English is required.

    Deadline to submit the forms:​ ​ September 28, 2018 

    Course: Meteorological Warnings and Emergency Response to Hazardous Weather Events​

    Date: December 9 - 21, 2018

    Applications Requirements:​ 

    The course is designed for: 

    •  Meteorological/hydrological staff of NMHS's engaged and interested in preparing, issuing and disseminating warnings, as well as creating a warning system 
    • Professional officers of Emergency Management Authorities making use of the hydrometeorological warnings for decision making before and during severe weather event Candidates should hold an academic degree in related disciplines and at least two years of professional work experience. A full command of English is required​

    Deadline to submit the forms:​ October 3, 2018