


    MASHAV is the Hebrew acronym for Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation.

    Israel's official international development cooperation program was launched in late 1957 with the aim of sharing with the rest of the developing world the know-how and technologies which provided the basis for Israel's own rapid development. MASHAV, the Hebrew acronym for Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation, was established as a division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. What started as a modest program focused on grassroots-level human capacity building at a time when Israel itself was still very much a developing country, has blossomed into an extensive program of cooperation throughout the developing world with the aim of ensuring social, economic and environmental sustainable development.


    Since its establishment, MASHAV has trained close to 270,000 course participants from approximately 132 countries in Israel and abroad and has developed dozens of demonstration projects worldwide.


    In Rwanda since December 1, 2014; Rwanda and the State of Israel entered into bilateral cooperation for skills upgrading in the agriculture sector in general and in horticultural sector in particular. A program to expose students from Rwanda to advanced technologies through a hands-on training in Israel, and establishment of the Rwanda-Israel Horticulture Center of Excellence are the key milestones.

    From June 2016 to March 2019, the Center of Excellence trained 564 beneficiaries including agriculturists from Government institutions and NGOs, students and farmers. About 30 different varieties of vegetables have also been tested for adaptation to Rwandan conditions while 9 varieties of different types of fruits (avocado, mango and citrus) are being introduced to Rwanda. A total of 17,200 seedlings, rootstocks and seeds have been in the horticulture center nursery for acclimatization and thereafter will be transferred to Rwandan Farmers. Every year about 150 students from Rwanda receives scholarship to study in Israel modern/smart Agriculture.



