Short Course: Renewable Energy

Short Course: Renewable Energy

  •   Renewable Energy as a Catalyst for Regional Development
    Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV) launches a course on "Renewable Energy as a Catalyst for Regional Development".

    The course will take place in The Arava Center for Sustainable Development at the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, Israel from 20th May to 5th June 2013.


    To understand the current trends of traditional energy production and consumption locally, nationally and on a global basis, improve the participants' knowledge of efficient energy use, introduce the participants to renewable energy basics, participants will learn how to successfully accomplish sustainable development projects with renewable energy, participants will gain hands-on experience and learn how to construct efficient cook stoves, build residential size biogas systems and work with small-scale PV, provide participants with expert advice on specific questions they may have regarding renewable energy utilization in their home countries.


    The workshop is intended for mid-level professionals, working for government, non-governmental organizations, decision-making bodies, academia and the private sector. A full command of English is required.


    Interested candidates in Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Central African Republic and the Republic of Congo may obtain application forms and other information from the Embassy of Israel in Yaounde.

    Alternatively, forms and further information on the course may be accessed through the following links


    Completed applications must be sent by 20th March 2013.
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