  • MASHAV News & Courses

    • Mashav announces a course on ''Agribusiness: A tool for the empowerment of rural woman'', from 16-28 june 2019, in Israel
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    • Mashav announces a new course on Agricultural Education in primary and secondary schools for african countries, from 19-31 may 2019, in Israel
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    • Mashav announces a new course on ''Feeding the future:Food safety and Technology in times of Global change'' on oct7th -oct 26 2018, in Israel.
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    • Mashav announces a new Course on ''Innovations in Women Health'' from oct 28th-nov 16th 2018, in Israel.
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    • Mashav announces a course on ''Innovative Entrepreneurship: from an idea to starting a business'', from 28th oct to 16th nov 2018, in Israel.
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