Innovative-entrepreneurship-from an idea to a business

Innovative Entrepreneurship

  •   Innovative Entrepreneurship: from an idea to starting a business
    ​Israel has the proven capacity to turn ideas into innovative products and services. It is within this framework
    that the present course is offered.
    The course aims to impart tools and resources to promote the creation and expansion of business through the
    management of innovation processes and environments.
    This will be supplemented by the opportunity for a broad exchange of experiences and lessons among
    Course participants, both among themselves and with their Israeli counterparts.
    Main Subjects
    - Good practices and policies in promoting innovative entrepreneurship; innovation-driven start-ups
    and the academic spin-off as engines of innovative development.
    - Support systems for new entrepreneurs.
    - Women entrepreneurs in a changing economy.
    - Innovations in management.
    - Marketing at a time of change.
    - Implementation of creative initiatives – from idea to business.
    - Understanding the effect of Public Private Partnership (PPP) on the creation of an Innovation Nation
    - Application of the Organizational Transformation and Leadership
    Application Requirements
    The course is designed for policy-makers, representatives of businesses and academia, and other experts and practitioners with responsibilities for the promotion of innovative entrepreneurship as well as broader aspects of innovation policy. Preference will be given to candidates recommended by the YABT. Please note this Workshop will be held in English.
    Applications should be submitted to the embassies no later than August 3, 2018. A copy of the application should be sent to Ms. Nuria Levy at MCTC .
    Application forms
    Application forms and other information may be obtained at the nearest Israeli mission or at MASHAV’s website:
    Completed application forms, should be sent to the relevant Israeli mission in the respective country.
    NB: Latest date to submit applications: 3rd august 2018.