MASHAV Short Course: Apiculture management

MASHAV Short Course: Apiculture management

  •   Modern Apiculture Management: Honey, By-Products and Pollination
    Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV) launches a course on "Modern Apiculture Management: Honey, By-Products and Pollination".
    The course will be held at CINADCO's International Training Center at Kibbutz Hotel Shefayim, Israel from 22nd April - 13th May 2013.
    To share Israel's experience and applied research, taking into consideration the adaptability of methods and technologies, to meet local conditions in each participants country. After completion of this course it is envisaged that the participant will be able to understand, and as result implement the knowledge gained to the benefit of the beekeeping industry in their respective countries.
    The training is geared towards professionals involved in horticulture production. Candidates should have an academic degree in related disciplines and at least two years of professional work experience in apiculture. At least 3 years of professional experience in the field is recommended. A full command of English is required.
    Interested candidates in Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Central African Republic and the Republic of Congo may obtain application forms and other information from the Embassy of Israel in Yaounde.
    Alternatively, forms and further information on the course may be accessed through the following links
    Completed applications must be sent by 5th March 2013.
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