the technology revolution for persons with disabilities

Equal rights for people with disabilities

  •   Israel hosted two main events dedicated to promoting equal rights for people with Disabilities
    Israel is known at the UN for its efforts in promoting equal rights for people with disabilities. On June 10, Israel hosted two main events at the UN as part of the 8th session of the Conference of States Par​ties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
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     Copyright: Israel at the UN
    On June 10 Israel hosted two main events dedicated to promoting equal rights for people with Disabilities

    Israel is known at the UN for its efforts in promoting equal rights for people with disabilities. In previous years, Israel had organized several events on this issue, including an exhibition at the UN on children with special needs, and a conference on autism. This year, Israel hosted two main events as part of the 8th session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

    On June 10, Israel in partnership with Access Israel”, hosted a special dinner for 30 diplomats and UN officials from around the world, which simulated sensory loss and disability. They attended a full-course meal, where a certain sense was taken away from them during each course (sight, sound and touch). Apart from the gastronomic experience, the purpose of the multi-sensory dinner was to promote awareness to the importance of accessibility, and to understand, even for a moment, the perspective of people with disabilities.

    Israel also hosted, together with Beit Issie Shapiro and Permanent Mission of Germany to the UN, a side event titled “The Technology Revolution: Innovating for a Better Quality of Life for People with Disabilities”. Over the past several years, we have witnessed the rapid development of technology and its ability to enable full participation of people with disabilities in society, and to ensure their voice is heard. The event’s panel members presented technology solutions for people with disabilities.

    Panel members included:  Ms. Jean Judes, Executive Director of Beit Issie Shapiro; Ms. Eve Andersson, Manager of the Accessibility Engineering Group at Google Research; Mr. Oded Ben Dov, CEO of Sesame Enable, a touch-free smartphone and tablet which uses computer vision technology to allow users to access any app by using head movements; Mr. Mark Coppin, Director of Assistive Technology at the Anne Carlsen Center; andDr. Gaby Admon-Rick from the Commission for Equal Rights of Persons with Disabilities “focal point” activities in Israel’s Ministry of Justice.
