Press Release 14-5-21

Press Release 14/5/21

    Hamas continues to fire rockets towards Israel with over 1600 rockets aimed to reach densely populated cities in the southern and central part of Israel including Jerusalem, Israel’s capital city. Millions of Israeli civilians from all faiths (e.g. Jews, Muslims and Christians) live directly in the line of Hamas rocket fire. Until now, 7 Israelis have been killed and 281 injured due to these terror attacks.
    Palestinian terror organizations Hamas and Islamic Jihad, which are actively promoting death and destruction for both Palestinians & Israelis, publicly acknowledged that Iran is funding their attacks.

    Hamas is not only using its civilian population as human shields, but are killing their own citizens with errant rockets falling in Gaza. At least 9 Palestinian children have been killed by Hamas rockets. Approximately 20%-30% of Hamas rockets fired from Gaza, land in Gaza. Hamas is indiscriminately launching rockets at civilian population centers, and is launching them from within civilian population centers - making these actions a double war crime.

    At the time of this writing, the IDF has now thwarted at least 4 anti-tank missile attacks from Gaza and targeted at least 14 top Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders.
    We greatly appreciate all the personal notes and public statements of support for Israel from our region, and urge you to reach out and engage with your contacts, in order to convey the truth about the situation.

    We call on the International Community to unequivocally condemn and demand that the Palestinians cease their rocket fire as well as terror activities against Israeli civilians, to recognize Israel’s right to protect its citizens, and to work with the Palestinian Authority to immediately stop the incitement and violence.

    The Embassy appreciates the support and solidarity shown by many friends during these difficult times and it is our earnest hope that there will be peace soon.