Official visit by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Singapore

First official visit by Prime Minister Netanyahu

  •   First official visit by Prime Minister Netanyahu to Singapore
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    ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו מתקבל במשמר כבוד על ידי ראש ממשלת סינגפור צילום: חיים צח / לע"מ photo by Haim Zach / GPO ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו מתקבל במשמר כבוד על ידי ראש ממשלת סינגפור צילום: חיים צח / לע"מ photo by Haim Zach / GPO copyright: Haim Zach
    Photo Credits: Haim Zach GPO


    Prime Minister of the State of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara Netanyahu were in Singapore on 20 and 21 Feb 2017, for the first ever official visit. Upon their arrival, Prime Minister Netanyahu and Mrs Netanyahu received a ceremonial welcome at the President's Palace, Istana. 
