Passport Services

Passport Services

    New passport application
    A new passport can be issued if the corrent passport will expire in within 6 months or in case a passport has been lost or destroyed, according to the following procedure:
    1. Filling a passport request form
    2. Two passport pictures (size 5x5 cm). In order to prevent any inconvenience at the border control, please bring photos ta​ken within the past 3 months - NO PHOTOSHOP.
    3. If the passport has been lost, stolen or destroyed, a sworn declaration needs to be taken at the Embassy.
    4. The current passport must be submitted

    Extending an Israeli passport
    A passport can be extended on several cases for up to 5 years from the date of issue. The passport can be extended upon completing the following procedure at the Embassy:
    1. Filling a passport extension form
    2. Presenting the current passport 

    For more information, please contact us vie e-mail:

     or on 02-3210-8513.
