

    Classical music in Israel has been vibrant since the 1930s when hundreds of music teachers and students, composers, instrumentalists and singers, as well as thousands of music lovers, streamed into the country, driven by the threat of Nazism in Europe. The founding of The Palestine Philharmonic Orchestra (today the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra) 1936, marked the beginning of Israel’s classical music scene. In the early 1980s, the New Israeli Opera began staging productions, reviving public enthusiasm for operatic works. The Russian immigration in the 1990s boosted the classical music arena both with new talents and music lovers. The contemporary music scene in Israel is hugely varied, dynamic and eclectic. It spans across all spectrums of musical genres and often fuses many musicals influences ranging from Ethiopian, Middle-Eastern soul, rock, jazz, hip-hop, electronic, Arabic, pop and mainstream.

  • Music Institutions and Festivals

    • Taking its name from the Hebrew word for “song of God,” the World Assembly of Choirs in Israel festival is the first international choir assembly...
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    • The Voice of Music in Upper Galilee Chamber Music Festival, also known as the Kfar Blum Music Festival is held in the beautiful Upper Galilee region in mid-summer and hosts young musicians ...
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    • Abu Gosh Festival is the main vocal music event in Israel. The festival takes place twice a year during the Jewish holidays Sukkoth and Shavuot, and presents a programme of musical performa ...
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    • The Jerusalem International Chamber Music Festival is an annual two weeks event, presenting a series of concerts performed by leading Israelis and international artists. The concerts are he ...
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    • The Competition came into being in 1974 at the initiative of Jan Jacob Bistritzky, whose aim was to unite the name and the artistic legacy of Arthur Rubinstein with the cultural life of Isr ...
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