



    At the Culture Department at the Embassy of Israel we introduce, support and promote Israeli culture and its artists to the general British public.

    Covering film, theatre, art, music, literature, dance and mixed media, we support an array of projects – ranging from assisting Israeli musicians, filmmakers, performers and authors to attend British International Festivals to Israeli theatre events, art installations, dance performances, gigs etc.

    As the Israeli budget year runs from January to December, our annual budget plan is submitted in December, therefore, in order to be considered for our budget plan, please submit application forms by 30th November. You should receive an answer by the end of February.

    However, it can happen that projects are cancelled or postponed, leaving allocated money unspent. Therefore, if you need support throughout the year, it is always worth trying and submitting a support application form.

    We welcome applications submitted either by the British host festival/institution/venue or by the Israeli artist with the support of the British host festival/institution/venue (with the exception of fringe festivals, where an Israeli artist can submit an application independently).

    In return for a successful application, our support is to be acknowledged by using our logo (and/or using a named credit were appropriate) in all publicity material.

    Bearing in mind that our funds are limited, there are other ways in which we can assist. We can assist with publicity and we are open to exploring other possibilities of cooperation.

    We look forward to hearing from you and to continuing our support of Israeli culture in the UK.

    Request for Support Introductory Letter

    Request for Support Application  Form
