The Arthur Rubinstein International Piano Master Competition

The Arthur Rubinstein International Piano Master C


    The Competition came into being in 1974 at the initiative of Jan Jacob Bistritzky, whose aim was to unite the name and the artistic legacy of Arthur Rubinstein with the cultural life of Israel. The Maestro was honored to give his name to the Competition. Conceived in the spirit of the Maestro, the Competition is committed to attaining standards of the highest order and is a valid international forum for presenting talented, aspiring young pianists and fostering their artistic careers. In determining the highly demanding criteria for this stimulating musical confrontation, the organizers were inspired by Arthur Rubinstein’s personal approach to the art of the piano. From the start, these contests were recognized as having added significantly to the development of Israel’s cultural life and also received worldwide acclaim as an important musical manifestation at the international level.

    Visit The competition’s website