MASHAV Courses

MASHAV Courses 2023

  •   Courses for 2023

    For information regarding application procedure and other queries, please send an e-mail to MASHAV Coordinator at​​​​​​​


    List of MASHAV Courses for 2023

    Cou​rse         : Intensive Vegetable Production in Arid and Semi-Arid Conditions

    Date              : 4 - 20 December 2023

    Organizers   : MASHAV In cooperation with MASHAV International Agricultural 

    Training Center (MATC),

    Application Deadline : 16 Oct 2023

    Cou​rse         : Community Services for Older Persons to promote Optimal Aging

    Date              : 5 - 19 December 2023

    Organizers   : MASHAV In cooperation with MASHAV Carmel Training Center (MATC),

    UN Habitat and The Joint Distribution Committee

    Application Deadline : 5 Oct 2023

    Cou​rse         : Inclusive Early Childhood Education for Children with Disabilities

    Date              : 5 - 19 December 2023

    Organizers   : MASHAV In cooperation with MASHAV Carmel Training Center

    Application Deadline : 5 Oct 2023

    Course          : Climate Services for National Adaptation Plans

    Date              : 19 - 24 November 2023

    Organizers   : MASHAV In cooperation with MASHAV International Agricultural

    Training Center, Israeli Meteorological Service (IMS) and World Meteorological

    Organziation (WMO)

    Application Deadline : 28 Sept 2023

    Cou​rse         : Integrated Solutions to Environmental Challenges in Developing Countries

    Date              : 12 November - 1 December 2023

    Organizers   : MASHAV In cooperation with MASHAV International Agricultural Center

    (MATC), IMS and World Meteorological Organization

    Application Deadline : 23 August 2023​

    Cou​rse         : Intensive Fish Farming

    Date              : 23 October - 9 November 2023

    Organizers   : MASHAV In cooperation with MASHAV International Agricultural Center


    Application Deadline : 23 August 2023​​​

    Cou​rse         : Flood Forecasting

    Date              : 22 - 30 October 2023

    Organizers   : MASHAV In cooperation with MASHAV International Agricultural Center

    (MATC), Israel Meteorological Service (IMS), Israel Hydrological Service (HIS), 

    Institute of Earth Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and 

    World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

    Application Deadline : 23 August 2023

    Cou​rse         : Mitigating Climate Change through a Holistic Approach: 

                            Gender Equality, Community Development and Green Innovation

    Date              : 20 August - 8 September 2023

    Organizers   : MASHAV In cooperation with MASHAV Carmel Training Center (MCTC)

    Application Deadline : 27 June 2023

    Course         : Empowering Women Through Climate Tech and Agribusiness

    Date              : 11-23 June 2023

    Organizers   : MASHAV In cooperation with MASHAV Carmel Training Center (MCTC)

                            and United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

    Application Deadline : 4 May 2023

    Course         : Dairy Production in a Low-carbon Future

    Date              : 17 July- 3 August 2023

    Organizers   : MASHAV In cooperation with MASHAV International Agricultural Training 

                           Center (MATC)

    Application Deadline : 22 May 2023

    Course         : Irrigation and Fertigation Technologies for Sustainable Crop Production

    Date              : 5-22 June 2023

    Organizers   : MASHAV In cooperation with MASHAV International Agricultural Training 

                           Center (MATC)

    Application Deadline : 20 April 2023​​

    Course         : Educators Professional Development In Service Training

    Date             : 19 February - 8 March 2023

    Organizers   : MASHAV In cooperation with MASHAV Educational Training Center (METC)

    Application Deadline : 4 January 2023​

    Course         : Combating Gender-based Violence

    Date             : 19 February - 3 March 2023

    Organizers   : MASHAV In cooperation with MASHAV Carmel Training Center (MCTC)

    Application Deadline : 21 December 2022​

    Course          : Pedagogical Innovations

    Date              : 22 January - 10 February 2023

    Organizers    : MASHAV in cooperation with MASHAV Educational Training Center (METC)

    Application Deadline  : 12 December 2022​

