    Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV), at Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs was founded in 1957, and is responsible for the design, coordination and implementation of the State of Israel’s development cooperation programs. In events of natural disasters MASHAV provides humanitarian assistance and participates in reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts.
    For details on MASHAV click here.
    To download the MASHAV Form please click on
    ENGLISH-MASHAV Application Form.doc
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  • MASHAV in Nepal

    MASHAV activities in Nepal can be traced back to 1960s,the early years of establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Israel and Nepal. Since then more than 1500 Nepalese professionals have participated in MASHAV training courses both in Israel and Nepal. Now, MASHAV activities have expanded to cooperation by establishment of Agriculture Demonstration Farm (Dhading) and in the field of Agriculture, Early Childhood Education and Public Health.
    MASHAV courses for Nepalese Professionals in Israel (2011):
    31 Nepalese Professionals from various development sectors participated in different MASHAV courses in Israel including the areas of agriculture, community development, and media/communication and gender issues. 
    As a part of special program with Agricultural Development Bank Limited (ADBL) of Nepal, two separate teams of 25 senior staffs, staffs and ADBL clients participated in tailor made courses in Israel.
    MASHAV courses for Nepalese Professionals in Nepal (2011):
    Three training programs each in following sectors were organized. A total of 83 Nepalese Professionals were trained in these trainings in Nepal.
    Health (Community Oriented Public Health and Mother & Child Health)
    Education (Master Training of Trainers on Early Childhood Development)
    Agriculture (Fisheries Based Management for ADBL Staff and Potential Entrepreneurs)
  • Shalom Club

    MASHAV maintains contact with former course participants through its network of over 70 Shalom Clubs worldwide. These clubs serve as a forum for MASHAV alumni to participate in professional and social activities. Members are invited to attend local lectures by skilled experts, to exchange ideas and to organize technical cooperation and humanitarian assistance as well as holding cultural functions. Among the many activities that have been organized by Shalom Clubs in their home countries have been workshops on professional topics ranging from AIDS education to business management, organization of events to raise funds for local charities, mobilization of club members to donate their professional services for community development and humanitarian activities. Members of the Shalom Clubs play an integral role in determining the focus and scope of programming of their clubs.
    For details click here