60 Anniversary of MASHAV

60th Anniversary of MASHAV

    MASHAV is the Hebrew acronym for Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation. It was launched 60 years ago as a part of Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the aim of transferring knowledge, expertise and technologies to developing countries that have assisted Israel on its own path to development. Today, Israel cooperates with over 132 countries including Nepal, providing trainings in Israel and abroad, and operating on-site long-term demonstration projects. MASHAV is active in fields ranging from agriculture to health and from community development to entrepreneurship.
    Nepalese are participating in MASHAV courses/workshops/trainings since 1960 A.D. when the diplomatic relations between the two countries, Israel and Nepal, was established. Till date, more than 3500 Nepalese have been benefited from MASHAV courses/workshops/trainings.
    MASHAV is celebrating its 60th Anniversary. Mazal Tov!  
    Click here to learn more about MASHAV and its activities.