  • Israel - Holy See Relations

    • Why most Orthodox Jews do not dialogue with Catholics and why they are advised to join the dialogue - by Mordechay Lewi
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    • Centuries of mutual hatred and distrust preceded the establishment of the State of Israel. Many more years would pass before the two tiny states finally recognized one another.
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    • Corporeality among Jews and spirituality in Christianity - an article by Mordechay Lewy, Israeli Ambassador to the Holy See, from L'Osservatore Romano, May 24th, 2010
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    • The density of holy sites in Jerusalem is unique. However, there is neither a universally agreed definition of a Holy site nor an agreed list of them... article in Italian
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    • The article was published in L'Osservatore Romano 21/10/09. Based on a presentation - "Auschwitz: It cannot be forgotten" - at the Dialogue of Faith & Culture - St. Egidio Congress in Krakow.
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