Scienc - Technology

Science & Technology


    Science and Technology

    Like many other small countries, Israel has sharply defined scientific and technological policies aimed at enhancing its competitive position. In science, it encourages the establishment of centers of excellence around outstanding scientists, while maintaining a level of quality across the broad spectrum of scientific fields. In technology, Israel strives for high performance through concentration on a limited number of areas. The percentage of Israelis engaged in scientific and technological inquiry, and the amount spent on research and development (R&D), in relation to its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), are among the highest in the world.



    • Extensive development of alternative energy sources such as solar, thermal, and wind energy has been a positive outcome of the country’s lack of conventional energy sources.
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    • Israeli agriculturists have pioneered trickle-drip irrigation, agricultural biotechnology, soil solarization, and the sustained use of industrial waste water for agriculture.
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    • Israel's industrial R&D, with a high concentration on electronics, have been a major source of industrial employment and exports over the years.
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    • Israel has made significant theoretical and practical contributions to the biotechnology revolution.
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    • As at universities all over the world, advancement in scientific knowledge is the chief objective of researchers at Israel's universities.
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