Facts about Israel - 2018

Facts about Israel - 2018

    Israel's entrepreneurial spirit is rooted in its history of overcoming obstacles, and determined to push the boundaries of what is considered possible, today the country is home to myriad pioneering startups, backed by robust public-sector support.
    ​From an austere beginning, Israel is today a thriving, vibrant and innovative society, home to over eight million citizens from diverse ethnic, religious, cultural and social backgrounds.

    In the face of the country’s scarce natural resources, the ingenuity of its people stands out as Israel's most precious resource. Massive investment in education has resulted in a highly educated population, which has played a critical role in fostering an education system that has helped propel the country into rapid growth. With the creativity and determination of its workforce and adaptive policies to stimulate innovation, Israel has created a marketplace that is robust, open, and highly integrated.

    A country that emerged from the desert sands with no natural resources, Israel has managed to beat the odds and become an unprecedented global leader in innovation. Israel's entrepreneurial spirit is rooted in its history of overcoming obstacles, and determined to push the boundaries of what is considered possible, today the country is  home to myriad pioneering startups, backed by robust public-sector support. Always striving to live life to its fullest, Israelis work hard, but they also play hard. It's a regular sight to see cafés, bars and restaurants packed with people even at midnight on a weekday.

    Facts about Israel - 2018
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    ​​A young society with ancient roots, Israel is home to a widely diverse population of over 8 million citizens from many ethnic, religious, cultural and social backgrounds. With its highly educated workforce, Israel is consistently ranked as one of the most innovative countries in the world, and as a global leader in water management and technology, it even exports water to its neighbors Jordan and the Palestinian Authority.                                                           
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    Israel's economic miracle is the story of an economy built essentially from scratch, surviving numerous crises, and emerging as a global, high-tech powerhouse. What it lacks in natural resources, it makes up for with human capital and the creativity and determination of its people. With a highly educated workforce and adaptive policies to stimulate innovation, Israel has created a marketplace that is robust, open, and highly integrated.
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    Israel's most precious resource is the ingenuity of its people, and education is a deeply ingrained value for Israelis and a national priority for the country. In the face of the country’s scarce natural resources, the investment in human capital has played a critical role, fostering an education system that has propelled the country into rapid growth.
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    Israel varied topography features mountain ranges and plains, bright Mediterranean coasts and even the lowest point on earth - the Dead Sea. A hotbed for green innovation, local innovators are pioneering solutions for harnessing clean hydrogen energy from algae, cleaning marine oil spills, revolutionizing pesticides for sustainability, keeping food fresher longer and much more.
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    A country that emerged from the desert sands, with no natural resources and facing turmoil and conflicts, Israel has managed to beat the odds and become an unprecedented global leader in innovation. Israel's entrepreneurial spirit is rooted in its history of overcoming obstacles, and today it is home to myriad pioneering startups, backed by robust public-sector support, strategic partnerships, and extensive domestic and international investment.
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    The Israeli way of life is creative and diverse, while informality, frankness and warmth define the interactions in most spheres. Israelis work hard, but they also play hard. Striving to live life to the fullest, it’s not uncommon to see bars and restaurants packed with people even at midnight on a weekday. Reflecting core values in Jewish tradition and Middle Eastern culture, Israelis are determined and push the boundaries of what is considered possible, a trait that has helped turn Israel into a global hub for entrepreneurs and has earned it the title of Start-Up Nation.
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    ​A young society with ancient roots, Israel is home to a widely diverse population of over 8 million citizens from many ethnic, religious, cultural and social backgrounds - a mosaic of people living together and contributing to its vibrant democracy. With an energetic can-do spirit and remarkable social mobility, the inclusiveness of Israeli society celebrates the right to be different and empowers this broad range of people to coexist in harmony.  
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    ​The Land of Israel is the birthplace of the Jewish people and of Judaism, where a significant part of the nation’s long history was enacted. Jews around the world have remained bound to Israel by a common heritage and a collective commitment to the continuity of the Jewish people, and the spiritual bond with the Land of Israel has been an important component of Jewish life throughout the ages.
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    In 1957, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched the Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV) with the mission of sharing Israel’s know-how and technologies with the rest of the developing world. Over the six decades since its establishment, during which time Israel transitioned from a developing country to a member of the OECD, MASHAV has blossomed into an extensive program in the social, economic, and environmental arenas, in alignment with the UN's 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.           
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    ​Israel is located at the junction of three continents - Europe, Asia and Africa, and is one of only two countries bordered by both the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean (via the Red Sea). At its widest point, the country is a mere 135 km (85 miles) across, a driving distance of only 90 minutes. The length of the country, from its northern-most town of Metulla to the Red Sea port city of Eilat in the far south, is 470 km (290 miles) – about a six-hour journey.
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    ​Israel is a vibrant democracy – since 1948, the country has held elections twenty times. The proportional representation voting system means that a typical Knesset has ten or more parties, reflecting the diversity of the electorate. The coalitions formed enjoy the support of an overall majority of the voters and reflect a spectrum of views. Decisions must thus be reached through compromise and dialogue.
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