Co-organized by Israel General Consulate Guangzhou and Redtory Culture & Art Organization, the exhibition "Imagined Landscapes" from July 1 to August 24 displays the Israel which lies in the heart of the artist, Aharon Gluska.
"Imagined Landscapes” is an exhibition to show the series of art works of the Israel contemporary artist Aharon Gluska. In 1970s, Gluska immigrated to America, where he was deeply influenced by the American Abstract Expressionist movement. Therefore, he hoped to find a new technique as well as a new method to reproduce his childhood landscape. Nevertheless, the Israel in his artworks is not the concrete pictures or shapes as usual---it is an expression of his childhood memory hidden deeply in his heart; and it is an unrecognizable landscape painting, which is imagined based on his memory.
By the curator Yaniv Shapira, the exhibition is going to display the unique and unusual Israel to the visitors, while at the same time to show the deep impact from the combination of contemporary art and landscape expression. The artist as well as the curator will come to Redtory to share with us their experience concerning art and creation.

地点:广州红专厂艺术设计工厂 C1艺术家:艾哈龙·格罗策展人:雅尼夫·沙比拉主办方:以色列驻广州总领事馆 红专厂文化艺术机构
By the curator Yaniv Shapira, the exhibition is going to display the unique and unusual Israel to the visitors, while at the same time to show the deep impact from the combination of contemporary art and landscape expression. The artist as well as the curator will come to Redtory to share with us their experience concerning art and creation. By the curator Yaniv Shapira, the exhibition is going to display the unique and unusual Israel to the visitors, while at the same time to show the deep impact from the combination of contemporary art and landscape expression. The artist as well as the curator will come to Redtory to share with us their experience concerning art and creation.
By the curator Yaniv Shapira, the exhibition is going to display the unique and unusual Israel to the visitors, while at the same time to show the deep impact from the combination of contemporary art and landscape expression. The artist as well as the curator will come to Redtory to share with us their experience concerning art and creation.

Aharon Gluska Solo Exhibitions (since 2004):
2013 Trierweiler Contemporary Gallery, Weimar, Germany
2012 Total Art/Courtyard Gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
2011 Rivera Gallery, West Hollywood, CA, USA
2010 Schueppenhauer Gallery, Koln, Germany
Art Affairs Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2009 Total Art/ Courtyard Gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
2005 Florida Holocaust Museum, Tampa, FL, USA
2004 Carole Rubenstein Associates – Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, PA, USA
2012 Total Art/Courtyard Gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
2011 Rivera Gallery “Anthrophysis” West Hollywood, CA, USA
2010 Schueppenhauer Gallery, Koln Germany
Galeria de Arte, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Art Affaires, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2009 Total Art/Courtyard, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
2007 Mana Fine Arts Gallery, Jersey City, NJ, USA
2005 Yad Vashem Museum “Etched Voices” Jerusalem, Israel
About Yaniv Shapira
Yaniv Shapira was born in Israel (1967). He studied Art History and Jewish Philosophy at Tel Aviv University. Since 1995 he has been serving as a curator at the Museum of Art, Ein Harod, where he has curated numerous art exhibitions. He has been the Director and the Curator of "The Kibbutz Gallery" in Tel Aviv for five years and a guest curator at several other museums and galleries in Israel and abroad. Shapira is currently completing his doctoral dissertation which deals with sense of Place, of Belonging and of Identity in Israeli Art.
Duration: July 1 - August 24, 2014
Venue: C1, Redtory
Add.: No.128, Yuancun Si Henglu, Tianhe District, Guangzhou