
The Children’s World Beyond Your Imagination


    Jewish-Israeli Culture Series
    Israeli Children’s Picture Books Exhibition​

    The Children’s World Beyond Your Imagination
    开幕时间(Opening Ceremony):2016/6/29,16:30
    展览地点(Location):广东以色列理工学院(筹)办公楼大厅 The entrance hallof Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (prep.)
    主办机构(Host):汕头大学文学院基督教研究中心(Center for Christian Studies, College of Liberal Arts, Shantou University)
    支持机构(Support):汕头大学(Shantou University)、以色列驻广州总领事馆(Consulate General of Israel in Guangzhou)、李嘉诚基金会(Li Ka Shing Foundation)
     Children’s books have always served as mirrors to society’s concept of childhood. Traditionally regarded as a means of education, picture books were often used to teach children the right way to behave and to show them what was expected of them. This concept of childhood has completely changed over the past two decades. The new approach in education talks about empowering the child and encourages parents to help their children develop their own distinct personality. Adults are expected to provide children with freedom to explore so they can discover the world through personal experience. Today, this literature doesn’t try to educate its readers or present them with preferable types of behavior. Rather, it strives to show children exactly as they are. They don’t tidy up their rooms before going to sleep; they don’t mind sitting on the table or eating with their hands. As for their playgrounds, these are always presented as joyful places filled with life and completely lacking in rules.

    This exhibition presents the illustrated books for children by 16 Israeli artists. Covering 8 themes, with the illustrations abundant with childlike innocence and purity, interpreted in 3 languages such as Chinese, English and Hebrew, these books depict the freedom, happiness, disorder, and adventures in the children’s world. These works also show a new approach to the role of the adult. Parents are partners in play rather than educational figures. The child knows the parent can be counted on for help and support. In a sense, these new children’s books allow adults to forget about their roles as parents for a moment, and relive their childhood memories.



    以色列驻广州总领事馆总领事安亚杰先生(Yaacov Avrahamy)、文化旅游主任安芙娜女士(Efrat Avrahamy)、经济事务主任辜玉璇女士,广东以色列理工学院校长李剑阁教授、常务副校长阿龙切哈诺沃教授(Aaron Ciechanover)、副校长马龙博士(Moshe Marom)等嘉宾出席了开幕礼。活动中,安芙娜女士还用希伯来语深情朗诵了以色列童诗《像你、像我》。


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