
Israel–Guangdong province bilateral framework R&D


    Israel – Guangdong province bilateral framework for R&D

    Cooperation in R&D (research and development) is critical in enhancing business opportunities between Israel and China and promoting bilateral trade.

    In fact, we already witnessed such cooperation without the government help, but we believe part of our role is to assist the industrial R&D collaboration that will hopefully lead to commercial cooperation.

    During April this year, Israel and Guangdong have signed the agreement. The bi-lateral framework is jointly implemented by the Guangdong Science and Technology Department in Guangdong province and MATIMOP, Israeli Industry Centre for R&D, on behalf of the Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS) in Israel. The agreement was a result of joint effort of the representatives in the Commercial Office of the Ministry of Economy in south China and representatives of Matimop and the Chief Scientist Office.

    The numbers of Guangdong province (including Guangzhou and Shenzhen) speak for themselves: Guangdong is the most developed province in China, with 100 milliom people, GDP of 920 billion US dollar in 2012. GDP per capita is 8,570 US dollars. This is the leading province in terms of percent of growth 22 years in a raw. In 2012 a quarter of China’s export came from Guangdong.


    These days the first call in the joint program has been launched, companies are invited to submit applications for R&D projects with companies in Guangdong. The projects are open to all technological sectors. The program designed to encourage research and joint development in various fields of industry and helps to find the suitable partner, with the support of the two governments.

    Deadline for joint filings: 01/17/2014. Detailed information and submission forms can be found here: .http://www.matimop.org.il/Guangdong_Call1.html

    For more information please contact Ms. Merav Tapiero, China Program Director – Israel Industrial R & D Matimop : merav@matimop.org.il   

    In other issue contact the Economic Appendix southern China e-mail: Guangzhou@israeltrade.gov.il



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