Celebrated on the 14th Day of the Hebrew Calendar month of Adar. (Can be from end of February to end of March). 2019- March 21st.
Purim is a Jewish (religious) Holiday that commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from an enemy named HAMAN, who plotted to destroy all the Jewish people. The historical story of Purim is recorded in the Book of Esther in the Old Testament. The story took place in ancient Persia in the 3rd century BC and the narrative talks of a Persian King, who due to certain circumstances marries a Jewish woman, Esther, who becomes the Queen. The Kings 2nd in command, named Haman, devises a plan to commit genocide against the Jewish people. Esther confronts the King and begs his mercy for her and her people since she is herself Jewish, the plan is thwarted and the Jewish people were saved.
The holiday is a minor Jewish holiday and is observed by the following customs:
· Reading the Book of Esther from the bible in all communities.
· Delivering gifts and food packages to one another's friends and neighbors.
· Giving charity to the poor.
· Having a celebratory meal that includes drinking wine and alcohol.
Traditional food: triangle shaped cookies filled with poppy seed, jam or chocolate filling. In Hebrew they are named 'Haman's ears'.
It is also customary to wear costumes and masks (adults as well as children).
Purim is a very festive holiday celebrated in Jewish communities around the world. In Israel, there are masquerade parties and public festivities such as parades and carnivals in all the large cities.