
Official Inauguration

  •   Official Inauguration of the Israeli Consulate
    ISRAEL is expanding its high-tech cooperation fields with Guangdong Province as China’s economic powerhouse accelerates high-tech and clean economy development, the opening ceremony of the permanent office of Israeli Consulate General was hold Thursday.
    The new office in the Guangzhou Development Center building on Linjiang Boulevard in Zhujiang New Town covers Guangdong, Hainan, Fujian, and Guangxi.
    Israeli Ambassador to China Amos Nadai, Israeli Consul General in Guangzhou Avraham Nir, Guangdong Party chief Wang Yang and senior officials of the provinces joined the opening ceremony and exchanged ideas on further high-tech cooperation.
    Attending the ceremony was also Ada Yonath, the first Israeli woman to win the Nobel Prize for chemistry last year. Thanks to her groundbreaking work in understanding how cells build proteins, the 70 year old has been invited by the provincial government to share her scientific and research experience with Zhongshan School of Medicine of Zhongshan University in Guangzhou.
    A number of Chinese companies and fairs have initiated cooperation with Israel since the Israeli Consulate General in Guangzhou was established last year, including the China High-Tech Fair and Tencent Holdings.
    Shenzhen Capital Group and IER Venture Capital Co. have been working with Israeli enterprises and investments for years.
    According to Guangdong governor Huang Huahua, trade volume between Guangdong and Israel was US$1.38 billion last year, more than a quarter of Sino-Israeli trade.


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