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     Copyright: IDE Technologies
    Israel, as one of the world’s most arid nations, has become a world leader in desalination and wastewater recycling.
    By utilizing the country’s surrounding seas, and brackish water sources, Israel will soon provide 75% of its drinking water from desalination, and will no longer depend on the fragile Sea of Galilee, which served for years as the country’s main source of fresh water.
    The Hadera Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) desalination plant, on the Mediterranean cost of Israel, is the largest of its kind in the world.
    By 2013, yet a larger and more advanced desalination plant will be completed in Ashdod, expected to supply as much as 150 million cubic meters of desalinated water per year.
    With the new millennium, Israeli water treatment companies achieved recognition as ones of the industry’s’ most successful and experienced large-scale SWRO players with best-in-class technologies and processes.
    Continuous research and development enables constant increase in desalination capacities alongside with drastic reduction in desalinated water costs. Israeli water treatment technologies are implemented throughout the world, in major markets such as China, India, Australia and the US.
  • Desalination
