The Irish Christian Friends Rally

Irish Christian Friends of Israel - Prayer Rally

  •   Irish Christian Friends of Israel - Prayer Rally - 2021
    ​Paddy Monaghan, Chair of Irish Christian Friends of Israel

    ​Prayer Rally Script

    “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.  May they prosper who love you” Ps 122v 6

    Irish Christian Friends of Israel organized a Prayer Rally at the Israeli Embassy on Sunday 30th May and the Ireland Israel Alliance and ICEJ Ireland organized a Solidarity rally afterward also at the Israel Embassy.  Both were attended by the Israeli Ambassador to Ireland - Ophir Kariv. 

    We were very encouraged at the attendance at both Rallies.  Some 80- 90 Christians came from North and South of Ireland for the Prayer Rally which also was attended by members of the Jewish community.  The Rally started with lively Jewish-style worship for 25 minutes with familiar songs to Israelis such as Shalu Shalom and Hevenu Shalom Aleichem.

    After the singing, there was a loud blowing of the Shofar. Then seven different speakers from various Churches took one of these issues each – read them out and led a short prayer for each of them.  Here are the seven issues we highlighted:

    1.      Anti-Semiti​sm

    Anti-Semitism is growing around the world.   Often it is masked in anti-Israel rhetoric.  It manifests in Holocaust Denial and is sadly being promoted on Palestinian and Hamas TV.  It is growing as radical Islam grows.  Let us be courageous in standing up against it.

    Father God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob we thank you for the many Jews and Arabs who live peacefully together in Israel today. We also thank you for the Arab countries who in recent years have made peace with Israel. Thank you for bringing your people Israel back to your land in fulfillment of your word.  Give us the courage to stand against anti-Semitism these days.

    2.      Ir​an

    4,400 rockets have been fired indiscriminately towards Israel by Hamas in the past 3 weeks. Approx.25% of these have fallen in Gaza causing Palestinian casualties. Many of these rockets were smuggled into Gaza from Iran. We call on the Irish Government to censure Iran at the UN and in the media for this and for repeatedly calling for the annihilation of Israel.

    Father God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob we ask you to see Iran’s genocidal threats against your people, Israel.  Please give wisdom to the Israeli government in defending their people against these threats and give courage to our own Government to not be silent about them.

    3. Irish aid to Gaza and West Bank

    The Hamas Constitution (see note) promotes anti-Semitism and the killing of Jews, rejects a negotiated settlement with Israel and is actively seeking to destroy the State of Israel through Jihad.  We call on the Irish Government to publicly pressurize Hamas to amend- its Charter. Some Government Humanitarian Aid goes to NGO’s that are promoting Anti-Semitism

    Lord God. we pray that the Irish Government would see the vital importance of exposing this anti-Semitic Charter and that it will ensure greater transparency and accountability in how Irish Aid is used to help Palestinians.

    4. Israeli Embassy in Ireland

    ICFI campaigned for years to have an Israeli Embassy in Dublin and we rejoiced in 1994 with its official opening.  We are appalled that certain left-wing groups in the Dail are campaigning to close the Embassy.  We rejoice that the  Dail voted by 87 to 46 votes this week not to expel the Israeli Ambassador. Pray for the Fear of God to fall on the Irish Government so they will not take a one-sided perspective on the Israel/Hamas war

    Scripture says “Righteousness exalts a nation and sin is a disgrace”. Father God we pray you will give Michael Martin, Leo Varadkar and the whole Government the Fear of God so that they will not continue to adopt a one-sided approach, despite the pressure to do so

    5. Stable Government in Israel

    In the past 2 years, there have been four elections in Israel and there is deadlock. Many people fear that there will be the fifth election. Let us pray for a breakthrough in the negotiations so that a stable government can be formed.

    Father God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob please give a breakthrough soon and heal the relationships between individual Israeli politicians.  Would you raise up a righteous stable coalition soon that would honor you

    6. Persecuted ​Christians

    On average 20 Christians are murdered for their faith every day.  Unlike the UK and EU Parliaments, our own Government has never had a Dail debate on this key issue. The plight of Christians in the West Bank and Gaza is increasingly more difficult, particularly for Muslims who become Christians. Throughout the Middle East Christians are being persecuted with a number of States having the death penalty for Muslims converting to any other religion.

    Lord, we pray that Irish Christians and Jews would speak to their TDS about this key issue so that our Government would take a much greater public stance on this

    7. Final Prayer of Blessing

    We want to pray a blessing on the Ambassador and Protection for the Embassy and Staff and their property and the Irish Jewish Community

    Lord God Almighty, God of Israel would you bless Ambassador Ophir, his wife, family and all the Embassy staff. Put your protection around them, may they know your presence, bless them and make them a blessing.

    May “the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you.; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you shalom” (Numbers 6:24-26 NIV).  

    Ambassador Ophir Kariv was deeply appreciating of the expressions of support for Israel at this tough time. He said afterward, “It was heart-warming to see the show of support. It was really encouraging to see Irish people from all parts of Ireland getting together to show their support to Israel.”

    Debbie Briscoe, an elderly Jewish woman from Dublin, stood for the whole hour of the ICFI Rally and was deeply moved by the whole experience. She commented afterward: “I think it was courageous of ICFI to hold the Prayer Rally. It is wonderful to know that my people have such great support”

    Not many people in Ireland know that the Hamas’ covenant is blatantly anti-Semitic and is actually still there today.  It would be very wise if more Israeli Government officials, especially when speaking to the Western media, highlight this key point and also, perhaps, challenge governments to make its change a condition of grant assistance to Hamas controlled institutions especially in the coming rebuilding phase of Gaza. 

    The uplifting Prayer Rally came after ICFI, supported by another group Towards Jerusalem Council 2 Ireland, held a fundraiser for the Magen David Adom and raised over €7,000 for them two weeks ago which was transferred to the MDA Ireland Branch.  Its chairman, Alan Shatter, expressed his deep appreciation for this to us.

    It was and is a privilege to “Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem (and Israel)” Psalm 122.6

