The Ambassador & Sally Roooney

Rooney helps promote hate

  •   Sally Rooney part of a movement ‘promoting hatred and demonisation of Israel’ ambassador says
  • BDS poster in London
    ​by Eva Short, for the Irish Business Post

    Responding to questions submitted by the Business Post on Sally Ronney's refusal to publish her latest book in Hebrew, Her Excellency (HE) Lironne Bar Sadeh said, “it is unfortunate that the powers behind the BDS movement find such fertile ground among intellectuals and artists” and that the movement was “motivated by ignorance and falsehood.

    ... “BDS in Ireland as elsewhere promotes hatred and demonization of Israel, at a time when actually the Arab World is increasingly making peace with Israel.

    ..."Israel is a multicultural democracy with dozens of parties sitting in the Knesset, including an Islamist party which is part of the current Israeli coalition.

    ..."We should not let extremist minorities dictate the agenda of Irish-Israel relations..." 

    Click here for the interview in full.