All applicants to the Consular Department - Please be advised: 1. People who wish to obtain consular services at the Embassy’s office must schedule a meeting in advance via the phone or email mentioned below.
2. Before scheduling a meeting, please make sure that you have all the necessary documents for the requested services.
3. Payment for consular services will be accepted only by a deposit to the consular bank account or a bank transfer. Payment by cash will not be accepted in the embassy.
* Please click here to download the details of the Consular Bank account
4. For security purposes, no personal objects will be allowed into the embassy, including handbags, mobile phones and electronic devices.
5. Minors have to come in person with a legal guardian.
You are more than welcome to contact us with any questions and fill out the feedback about the nature and quality of our service, to fill in the feedback click

Thank you for your cooperation,
The Consular Department
Information about the consular services provided by the consular department can be found on the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs website:
v Consular services
vTable of fees for consular services
v Visas
v Consular Forms and Tables
v Population and Immigration Authority
v Ministry of Aliyah and integration
Address and Reception Hours of the consular department:
The embassy address:
Embassy of Israel, 3 Place de l’independence, Immeuble SDIH B.P 2096 DAKAR, SENEGAL
Phone number: (+221) 33 823 79 65
Emergencies only phone number: (+221) 77 6392241
Telephone Reception Hours:
Monday to Thursday 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Friday 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Reception Hours (by appointment only):
Monday to Thursday 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Notary Services:
1. Notary services are offered Monday through Friday by appointment only.
2. Make sure that the documents are in a language you can read fluently.
3. Bring your ID that you are identified with in the document (usually passport).
4. In order to schedule an appointment please call (+221) 33 823 79 65 or email
Links to the websites of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Senegal and the States of the Convention:
v To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Senegal click here
v To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Guinea click here
v To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Guinea- Bissau click here
v To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Gambia click here
v To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Cape Verde Islands click here
Security instructions for people who wish to obtain consular services at the embassy:
1. Bring with you identification with current photo / a valid passport.
2. All visitors and their belongings will be required to undergo a security check before entering the embassy.
3. For security reasons, no personal objects will be allowed in the embassy, including mobile phones and electronic devices.
4. Do not arrive to the embassy with weapons or any other means of self-defense.
5. Do not arrive to the embassy with bags/handbags or suitcases.
6. Do not arrive to the embassy with food and/or beverage bottles or containers.
7. The consulate’s security directives apply to people in the consular waiting room.
8. Please respect the security requirements at all times!
Useful Links:
* The above list and links does not constitute a recommendation for any of the translators appearing on them. Use of the services is the sole responsibility of the person utilizing the services.
Search engine for finding a lawyer in Senegal: To enter the website click here
Doctors in Senegal: To enter the list of doctors and health centers in Senegal click here
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