Working visit to Romania of Israeli Minister

Working visit to Romania of Israeli Minister

    Israeli Minister of National Infrastructure, Energy, and Water & Minister of the Development of the Negev and Galilee & Minister of Regional Cooperation, Mr. Silvan Shalom, will be in Bucharest between 15 and 17 September 2014. His working visit to Romania is part of a regional tour, which includes also the Republic of Moldova and Albania.
    Minister Silvan Shalom will be accompanied by a high-level delegation comprising of senior ministry officials and top executives of Israeli institutions and companies in the energy and water technology fields.
    In Romania, the delegation will meet with several high Government representatives, ministers and senior officials, as well as with leaders of sectoral Romanian institutions and companies. The meetings will focus on opportunities for enhancing bilateral cooperation in sectors such as: energy infrastructure, water management, water treatment and supply, and regional cooperation.  
    The visit comes after the second round of intergovernmental consultations that took place in Jerusalem this June, and reflects the excellent relations and cooperation existing between Romania and Israel.