The 12th Romania – Israel Hi-Tech Cooperation Forum

The 12th Romania Israel Hi-Tech Cooperation Forum

    ​The 12th Romania – Israel Hi-Tech Cooperation represents a unique venue for business cooperation between leading Israeli and Romania companies.
    Romania Gateway
    The 12th Romania – Israel Hi-Tech Cooperation Forum

    8 - 9 May 2013, Marriott Hotel Bucharest, Romania

    In the fields of: Information & Communication Technology, Homeland Security
    "Globe Gateway" in cooperation with the Israeli Counselor Economic Affairs in Romania, Mr. Arnon Arbel respectfully invite you to participate in the 12th Romania - Israel Hi Tech business cooperation Forum.
    "Romania Gateway 2013" will take place at Marriott Hotel, Buchrest. 8-9 May 2013.
    "Romania Gateway 2013" represents a unique venue for business cooperation between leading Israeli companies and organization, and Romanian companies, organization and government offices.
    The Israeli delegation will include Israel's leading companies, investors and entrepreneurs in the fields of:
    1.     ICT (information & communication technology)
    2.     HLS (homeland Security):
            • Infrastructure and Border Security
            • Transportation Security
            • Cyber Security
            • Intelligence, Counter-Terror and Emergency Management
    The Forum's first part will include presentations of the Israeli and the Romanian companies and opportunities for cooperation. The second part will include pre-organized one on one business meetings.
    "Romania Gateway 2013" is supported by the Manufacturers Association of Israel, The Israel Ministry of Trade Administration and the Israeli Embassy in Romania.
    Looking forward for your participation.
    Yours sincerely,
    Ilana Kapitolnik                                                Arnon Arbel
    Managing Director                               Counselor Economic Affairs
    Globe Gateway                                   Israeli Embassy in Romania
    Possibilities of sponsoring the event:
    Platinum Sponsorship Package:
    1. The Company will be presented as giving “Platinum Sponsorship” on each and every publication issued for the marketing of the event.
    2. The Company will receive 2 full color pages ad in the Special Catalogue to be produced for the event. The catalogue will be distributed to all the participants in the event.
    3. The Sponsoring Company will be allocated a presentation booth at the entrance to the event.
    4. The Signposts of the event will include the logo of the Company as a “Platinum Sponsor”.
    5. A possibility to distribute marketing/ publicity materials to all attending.
    6. As one of the MAIN sponsors, Your Company’s representative will congratulate the audience.
    Cost of the Platinum Package:10,000 Euro + V.A.T
    Silver Sponsorship Package:
    1. The Company will be presented as giving “Silver Sponsorship” on each and every publication issued for the marketing of the event.
    2. The Company will receive a full color page ad in the Special Catalogue to be produced for the event. The catalogue will be distributed to all the participants in the event
    3. The Sponsoring Company will be allocated a presentation booth at the entrance to the event.
    Cost of the Silver Package: 5,000 Euro + V.A.T
    For further information please contact Globe Gateway directly at +972-50-6588778, or Email:
    Ilana Kapitolnik
    General Manager                                           
    Globe Gateway B. D. Ltd.



