Scholarships offered by the Romanian Ministry of Education to Israeli students

Romanian scholarships for Israeli students

    ​The Romanian Ministry of Education offers Israeli students three 8 months scholarships for post-graduate studies for the academic year 2014-2015.
    Scholarships offered by the Romanian Ministry of Education to Israeli students
    The Embassy of the State of Israel in Romania would like to bring to the attention of Israeli students interested in studying in Romania and Israeli students already studying in Romanian universities that the Romanian Ministry of Education offers three 8 months scholarships for post-graduate studies (master, PhD, specialized studies such as medical residency) for the academic year 2014-2015.
    The scholarship covers 8 months of tuition fees, accommodation in the university dorms and monthly stipend – the equivalent in lei of 75 euro for master’s studies and 85 euro for PhD, research and professional studies. 
    Due to the fact that the renewal of the bilateral cooperation agreement that sets the procedures for this scholarship has just recently been signed by the Ministry of National Education of Romania and the Ministry of Education of Israel, the deadline for sending the application to the Embassy is short: 18 August 2014!  We are very sorry for the late notice, unfortunately there were circumstances out the embassy’s control.
    The following documents have to be included in the application file:
    - a CV with contact details: address, e-mail, telephone number;
    - a copy of your passport;
    - a copy of your staying permit;
    - a copy of your birth certificate and legalized translation;
    - a legalized copy of your last diploma and school transcript (the grades) + legalized translation (if not in Romanian);
    - a legalized copy of your current school transcript (the grades) + legalized translation (if not in Romanian); - you have to have passed all exams!
    - medical certificate.
    These documents have to be sent in 2 samples (2 files with all the above mentioned documents). If you want to apply also to one year of study of the Romanian language, you have to send the documents in 3 samples (3 files with all the above mentioned documents).
    Also, you need to write a letter in Hebrew/English explaining where you are applying (University, Department, etc.) and for what type of studies.
    Please send the files by mail or bring them in person to the embassy:  Ambasada Israel, Bd. Dimitrie Cantemir nr. 1, Sitraco Center, Tronson 2+3, Intrarea B-2, Et. 5, Sector 4, Bucuresti.
    The selection will be made according to the highest grades.
    CLARIFICATION: We are aware that in August academic institutions are closed and you cannot obtain the current school transcript, therefore we ask you to bring the files with all the other documents by 18 August and the transcript from the university you may bring by 4 September.
    Please read the instructions and the requirements carefully in order to make sure your application will be successful.
    For further information, contact us at +4 021 302 8 512 or
    Much success!