Scholarships for Israeli students

Reminder: Scholarships for Israeli students

    לסטודנטים שלום,
    הנדון:     מלגות המוצעות על ידי משרד החוץ הרומני לסטודנטים זרים
    שגרירות ישראל מבקשת לעדכנכם שבימים אלה ניתן להגיש מועמדות למלגות לשנת 2014-2015 המוצעות עלי ידי משרד החוץ הרומני  לסטודנטים זרים.
    למעוניינים מצרפים קישורית  המפרטת  רשימת המסמכים הנדרשים להגשת המועמדות.
    מדגישים וחוזרים, שהשגרירות מעבירה טכנית את בקשותיכם (ללא בדיקה מקדימה \סינון אחר ).
    המועד האחרון להגשת הבקשה למלגה הינו 10.01.2013.
    יש להקפיד ולמלא  ההוראות במדויק.
    במקביל - אנו ממתינים לקבלת  פרטים מעודכנים   ממשרד החינוך הרומני אודות מלגות המוענקות ספציפית לסטודנטים ישראלים -  אותם נפרסם בהמשך .
    מאחלים לכם בהצלחה, ושנה אזרחית טובה!
    Dear students,
    The Embassy of the State of Israel is announcing the Scholarships for the 2014-2015 academic year offered by the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for foreign citizens. The deadline for application is January 10, 2014.
    All the details are included in the link below:
    However, for better understanding the requirements here it is what you need to have:

    List of documents necessary for the application file

    5.1. Cover letter issued by the diplomatic mission of the country of origin accredited to Bucharest or of the Romanian Embassy in the respective country.
    5.2. A dully filled in MAE application form (Annex 1) for a scholarship to study in Romania.
    5.3. MEN application form (Annex 2) for the Letter of Acceptance to study in Romania. In case the applicant’s file is selected by the MAE and the MEN selection boards, MEN issues and sends to the applicant the Letter of Acceptance to study in the Romanian system of education, based on this application form dully filled in.
    The Letter of Acceptance is necessary for the registration at the university and for the application for the long stay visa.
    5.4. Authorized copies of the study documents (baccalaureate and university diplomas if necessary) and their authorized translation in Romanian, French and English if necessary.
    Note: in case the candidate is still studying in the last year of pre-university study, the file should contain a document (and its authorized translation) confirming the year of study and the fact that the candidate will graduate at the end of the 2014 – 2015 school year, specifying the date when the graduation diploma is issued. In case the candidate’s application file is accepted, the candidate – graduate of high school or equivalent studies – is obliged to send to the diplomatic mission, by 15 August 2014, an authorized copy of the graduation diploma and its authorized translation or, if the case may be, a copy of the document attesting that the candidate has graduated, specifying also the date when the graduation diploma is issued.
    The candidates for post-graduates studies must submit all previous diplomas of studies with authorised copies of the diploma and its authorized translation.
    5.5. Authorized copies and authorized translation of the diploma supplement transcript for the studies done so far.
    Note: The pre-university candidate who enrolls in the Romanian university system will have to submit the authorized copy of the diploma supplement transcript of the last school cycle, i.e. high school or its equivalent. Candidates who are studying in their last year of study will submit the diploma supplement transcripts for the previous years and for the first part of the current school year (until the submission date).
    In case the candidate requires the equivalation of partial university studies (intermediary year) and the continuation of studies in Romania, the diploma supplement transcript should be accompanied by the authorized copy and authorized translation of the curriculum for the partial studies done so far.
    In case a graduate of higher education studies applies for post graduate studies, he/she has to submit the authorized copies of all documents attesting the graduation of higher education done so far, diploma supplement transcript included.
    5.6. Authorized copy and authorized translation of birth certificate.
    5.7. Authorized copy of passport.
    5.8. Medical certificate attesting that applicant is not affected by any transmissible disease or by other illnesses incompatible with the future profession.
    5.9. The candidate’s CV.
    5.10. 4 recent passport-type photos.
    The authorization of documents is made by public notaries in the countries of residence or by the sending diplomatic missions, as the case may be.
    The deadline for submitting the application files to the Embassy of the State of Israel in Romania is 10 January 2014.
    Incomplete files are not taken into consideration. Rejected application files are not returned.