Sapanta exhibition

Sapanta exhibition

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    The Bistrita “Concert Society” Foundation
    The Bistrita “Concert Society” Foundation organized on September 3, 2012, starting 18:00, at Lina Gallery near the Sinagogue, the opening of the exhibition “The spirit of Săpânţa”, which presented art works of:
    - HAIM MAOR, an Israeli artists, university professor, painter, sculptor and graphic artist;
    -NORA, (ELEONORA) STANCIU, an Israeli artist of Romanian origin, a painter and upholster;
    - and DUMITRU POP TINCU, a Romanian folkloric artist that paints and sculpts portrets in wood in the village Săpânţa, Maramureş County, following the footsteps of Stan Pătraş, founder of the “Happy Cemetery”.
    The three artists worked together for a month on the Project “The spirit of Săpânţa”, which materialized in art works that  appeal to memory, commemoration, art and folklore.
    The artists have been in contact since 2007 even though each of them combines art and folklore in their own way.
    The exhibition will also be showcased in 2013 in several locations in Israel.
    The opening of the exhibition took place Monday, September 3, 2012 at Lina Gallery of the Bistrita Sinagogue and it was accompanied by a recital of archaic Transylvanian and Maramures music played by legendary musicians Vasile Soporan and Taraful din Frata, Nicolae Piţiş from Lăpuşul Românesc, and Maria Casandra Hauşi – winner of the “Maria Tănase” trophy in 2010.
    The Project “The spirit of Săpânţa” enjoys the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and of the Embassy of Israel in Bucharest.  
    The event in Bistrita was organized in collaboration with the Municipal Cultural Center Bistrita, the Bistriţa-Năsăud Jewish Community, and with the support of the Bistrita City Hall.  