Rockets fired from Lebanon at Israel 29 Dec 2013

Rockets fired from Lebanon at Israel

    Rockets were fired this morning (Dec 29) from Lebanon at Israel. PM Netanyahu: "We hold the Lebanese government responsible for this development. We also know that Iran is behind this arming by Hezbollah."
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    Israel-Lebanon border Israel-Lebanon border Copyright: IDF Spokesperson
    (IDF Spokesperson)

    Residents of Israel’s north woke up this morning (December 29) to rockets fired from Lebanon into Israel. The rockets landed west of Kiryat Shmona, an Israeli city near the Lebanese border. IDF forces responded with artillery fire toward the source of the launch.

    At least five rockets were fired from Lebanon, with one confirmed explosion in Israel. The IDF is currently searching for evidence of others.

    In response to the attack, an official complaint was filed to UNIFIL, the United Nations force charged with maintaining security in Southern Lebanon and preventing hostilities against Israel. Launching rockets from Lebanon into Israel jeapordizes thousands of civilian lives in the north.  While no injuries were reported, the attack constitutes an unacceptable and blatant breach of Israel’s sovereignty.

    PM Netanyahu said at the Cabinet meeting: "Today, the IDF responded quickly and forcefully to the rocket fire from Lebanon. This is our policy regarding Lebanon just as it is with the Gaza Strip. We will not allow a drizzle and we will respond strongly, and if need be, will carry out preventive action. We hold the Lebanese government responsible for firing that is carried out from within its territory. What is happening in Lebanon is that Hezbollah is stationing thousands of missiles and rockets in apartments, in the heart of the civilian population, and is thus perpetrating two war crimes simultaneously. It is organizing the firing at civilians, just as it did today, and it is hiding behind civilians as human shields.

    This is a double war crime that that is being perpetrated under the aegis of the Lebanese government and army, which are not lifting a finger to prevent this arming and these crimes. We hold the Lebanese government responsible for this development. We also know that Iran, of course, is behind this arming by Hezbollah. It is the same Iran which is continuing to assist the Syrian government in slaughtering civilians and which is continuing to arm terrorist organizations that are perpetrating acts of terrorism in many countries. It is also the same Iran that is currently developing centrifuges that are capable of enriching uranium six times faster than its regular centrifuges."